Posts Tagged ‘Under The Tuscan Sun’

81eq3el8-uL._SX300_One of the craziest and hard to watch films I remember discovering as a teen was the original 1978 rape/revenge film I Spit On Your Grave. Much like The Last House On The Left, it had a sequence that was just so hard to watch, but the payoff in the end was worth the awkwardness. So fast forward to 2010 and they do a killer job remaking the film with some brutal scenes and now we have the sequel I Spit On Your Grave 2 which was once again directed by Steven R. Monroe. The film stars Jemma Dallender (The Mirror) as Katie, a young midwestern girl who dreams of making it big in New York. Unfortunately for her, she answers the wrong modelling ad and she is eventually raped, brought to Bulgaria, and then left for dead. Although with that in mind, Katie gets a second chance, but the question is how is she going to use it? The film also stars Joe Absolom (EastEnders) as Ivan, Yavor Baharov (The Legend Of Hercules) as Georgy Patov, George Zlatarev (Copperhead) as Det. Kiril, Mary Stockley (V For Vendetta) as Ana Patov, Valentine Pelka (Under The Tuscan Sun) as Father Dimov, Aleksandar Aleksiev (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit) as Nicholay Patov, Peter Silverleaf (Brothers In Trouble) as Valko, Michael Dixon (Doctor Who) as Jayson, and Kacey Clarke (Resident Evil: Afterlife) as Sharon. 

I Spit On Your Grave 2, Set Photography - Day14I have to agree with a lot of critics and their assessment of the film because so much of it is too hard to watch. The reason I say that is because some of the scenes were just too much to handle and I thought they could have done without them. The whole use of the stun gun and what he does with it was just too much even though I get what it set up later in the film. I get that the point of a lot of horror films is to make you want to squirm and make you feel uncomfortable, but this was a borderline snuff film for the most part. The last half of the film gets good as soon as she starts to recover and I am not sure how much time is lapsed as far as her recovery, but it seemed pretty quick. The things that she does from cutting open Georgy and spreading crap all over his wounds so that he dies slowly from infection all the way to the nuts in a vice was pretty painful to watch if you ask me. Other than those issues, it was an OK film that had some flaws to it which is probably why they decided to do a third film to call it a trilogy. One thing that the film does teach you is that you shouldn’t trust anyone whether it be in New York or anywhere else because they say free photos, but there’s a price to pay for that and it could be your life. I am going to give the film an C- for a final grade.