Posts Tagged ‘Cool As Ice’

Cool as Ice poster.jpgIt doesn’t have to be a horror film in order to make it as a cheeseball cinema worthy title. There have been cheesy films through ever genre of film including this 1991 piece of work that Stars Vanilla Ice (That’s My Boy) as a rapper named Johnny Van Owen who falls in love with a girl on witness protection. Kathy Winslow (Kristin Minter) is the girl that he falls head over heals for, but the only problem is that she doesn’t realize that her parents are on witness protection until a couple of guys from her father’s past show up looking to blackmail him. The film was directed by David Kellogg (Inspector Gadget) who was mostly known at the time for his music videos and it also stars Naomi Campbell as a back up singer, Michael Gross (Tremors) as Kathy’s dad, Candy Clark (American Graffiti), Victor DiMattia (The Sandlot) as Tommy, Jack McGee (Gangster Squad), and John Newton (Alive).

aaaI’m not quite sure if David Kellogg knew what he was taking, but I imagine that everyone thought this movie was super cool back in 1991 especially with all the suburban white kids who were eating up rap albums at the time. The movie is just flat out corny and it feels like a giant music video with some drama included in it. Some of the scenes are so cheesy, but I found myself glued to the television just to watch it. Vanilla Ice’s interactions are terrible in this film and what the hell were they thinking with the corny as hell old people that lived with him and fixed a motorcycle. That was just so cheesy I laughed at how stupid those scenes were. However, I don’t really blame Vanilla Ice because he was doing whatever he thought was going to get him to the top and whether you like it or not it did. He was the biggest thing in 1991 and I was into his music at the time. I blame it all on Seattle’s grunge scene especially Nirvana cause I hated that band back in the 90’s. Just admit that there are some of you out there that probably loved this film when it was first released. Whatever, in the tradition of Cheeseball Cinema, On a scale of 1 being close to an A-List film and 5 being the cheesiest film of all time, I am giving this film a 4.

Are you cool as ice?

Are you cool as ice?