Posts Tagged ‘Schindler’s List’

I saw someone on my Facebook page do this and it intrigued me enough to think about what were my favorite films since he year I was born. Basically, you go year by year since the year you were born all the way up to the present day and you pick a film. I had a hard time choosing films where there are four of my favorite films all released in the same year, but like a true trooper I only chose one film for each year and left no two or three way ties. I also want you to note that when you look at the list, I didn’t choose what I thought were the top films of each year, but films that I loved from each year. These are films that made an impact on me that I will never forget where I was the first time I watched them. Now obviously, there are some years (like the year you were born and probably the first three years of your life) that you obviously did’t watch the films when they came out, but you do remember seeing them later on and they changed you. Here is my list:

1982- Fast Times At Ridgemont High

1983- Return Of The Jedi

1984- A Nightmare On Elm Street

1985- The Goonies

1986- Stand By Me

1987- Spaceballs

1988- Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

1989- Batman

1990- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

1991- Terminator 2: Judgement Day

1992- Malcolm X

1993- Schindler’s List

1994- The Crow

1995- Empire Records

1996- Fear

1997- Private Parts

1998- American History X

1999- American Pie

2000- Gladiator

2001- Blow

2002- Catch Me If You Can

2003- Once Upon A Time In Mexico

2004- The Passion Of The Christ

2005- Star Wars Episode III

2006- The Departed

2007- Knocked Up

2008- The Dark Knight

2009- The Hangover

2010- The Social Network

2011- Moneyball

2012- The Avengers

2013- Prisoners

2014- Guardians Of The Galaxy- this is my current favorite film of this year

Honorable Mention

The Breakfast Club was one of my choices for 1985, but The Goonies had a bigger impact on me at the time. Dazed And Confused is still one of my all time favorite films from 1993, but nothing beats the impact Schindler’s List had on me at the time that I had watched that film. For 1983, it was between Jedi and The Outsiders which is another of my all time favorite films, but Return Of The Jedi is my favorite of the Star Wars series. For 1992, it was between Malcolm X and My Cousin Vinny (which is still hilarious), but Denzel blew me away as Malcolm X and I researched the man for a school project because of the film. So, that was my list and now I challenge everyone that has a blog and covers movies to do the same as me. If I was born before 1974, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween would be on this list as well. Let’s see the lists bloggers!!!