Posts Tagged ‘Ilsa She Wolf Of The SS’

Fraulein KittyOne thing that you may learn here on Cheeseball Cinema is that Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS officially launched the Nazi Exploitation genre of the Grindhouse films back in 1974. After that everyone tried to copy the formula of Nazi Exploitation which either touched upon torture or women in prison style films. Elsa Fräulein SS (a.k.a. Fraulein Kitty) copied the formula of the above mentioned film with a woman who is dominate in nature and a die hard for the Nazi Regime. Elsa (Malisa Longo) has been put in charge of a pleasure train that is also being masked to catch traitors and spies. So, Elsa is in charge of a bunch of ladies for a steel brothel on wheels. When the allied forces catch wind of this train, they will stop at nothing to put a halt to the Nazi regimes plans. The film also stars Olivier Mathot (Devil’s Kiss) as Major Frantz, Patrizia Gori (Helga, La Louve de Stilberg) as Liselotte, Pamela Stanford (Sexy Sisters) as Gundrun, Rudy Lenoir (Fantomas) as Gen. von Glück, Jean Le Boulbar (The Old Gun) as Werner, René Gaillard (Anne And Muriel) as Mheim, and the film was directed by Patrice Rhomm (The Devil’s Nightmare).

Malisa Longo

Malisa Longo

One thin you’ll notice about Elsa is that she is very similar to Ilsa in the same sense that they are both sadistic Nazi fanatics that are very sexual and use sex as their weapon. The only difference is that Elsa starts off as a prostitute that is promoted to a Nazi officer to run a brothel. We never find out how Ilsa got her job in the first place. You could debate all day as to who you thought was more attractive, Malisa Longo (Elsa) or Dyanne Thorne (Ilsa)? One thing for sure is that the sex scenes in Ilsa are actually more believable than the ones in Elsa which are just hilarious. I will say one thing though, Patrizia Gori’s scenes in this film are where it’s at if that is what you are looking for. She’s borderline porn with the way she moves her hips in this film, but again there is some faults in her scenes as well that are just hilarious. The movie overall is pretty decent, but one thing that I find funny as well is the fact that all of these films have the women undressing and then they are checked out by a doctor who prods and pokes them and gives the his final blessing before they can become prostitutes for motherland. As I said, it’s a decent movie with very little bad dialogue, but plenty of T&A. On a scale of 1 being close to an A-list Hollywood film and 5 being the cheesiest film of all time, I am going to give this film a 3.2 for a final grade.

Patrizia Gori Copy

Patrizia Gori


Ilsa Harem Of The Oil ShieksSexploitation and Cheeseball Cinema go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly, they just go well together. Plus, we covered Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS sometime ago so I wanted to check out the sequel. So, what we have here for you today is Ilsa, Harem Keeper Of The Oil Sheiks which was released in 1976 and once again stars the beautiful Dyanne Thorne as Ilsa. Ilsa this time is taking care of the operations for Sheik Al Sharif (Jerry Delony) as she takes care of all his sex slaves. Ilsa and the Sheik begin to suspect that their guests, Dr. Kaiser (Richard Kennedy) and Cmdr Scott (Max Thayer) are not just their to negotiate a plan for oil, but to sabotage his operations.  She tries to seduce the Commander, but Ilsa may have found her match. The film also stars Haji (Supervixens) as Alina, Uschi Digard (Supervixens) as Inge, Sharon Kelly (Supervixens) as Nora, George ‘Buck’ Flower (They Live) as a begger, Tanya Boyd (Black Shampoo) as Satin, Marilyn Joi (Kentucky Fried Movie) as Velvet, and the film was directed by Don Edmonds (8 Million Ways To Die).

From Left To Right Clockwise: Dyanne Thorne, Sharon Kelly, Su Ling, and Uschi Digard

From Left To Right Clockwise: Dyanne Thorne, Sharon Kelly, Su Ling, and Uschi Digard

You automatically know what you are going to get when you watch a sexploitation, women in prison film which is a whole lot of T&A. The great thing about this film is that it actually has a pretty good story attached to it and the acting is actually pretty good for the most part. The only thing is how old is Ilsa? She served the nazi party during world war 2 and now she serves the oil sheiks some years later and she doesn’t look like she aged one bit. But that is the beauty of these films where you don’t need continuity moving on for every sequel. I actually look forward to seeing the other films in the series for more Cheeseball Cinema entries. As I said before, there is plenty of T&A as well as some unkempt seventies bush and some of the torture devices they came up with for this film were actually quite clever, but a little on the kinky side with some like the boob vice or the exploding vagina. Check out the film on Youtube right now if you would like to because it’s there. On a scale of 1 being close to an A-List Hollywood film and 5 being the cheesiest film of all time, I am going to give the film a 3.5 because it’s practically softcore porn, but with some action and violence. Plus, a lot of the actors were painted to look Arab and it’s a little too obvious.



aa2Ever since I watched a documentary on grindhouse films (exploitation), this was one that caught my eye. As everyone knows they made films about anything like Nazi women to outrageous kung fu fighters. Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS was a film I had been looking to watch for a long time so when I found it I sat down and watched it. Dyanne Thorne plays Ilsa, a Kommandant of a Nazi Stalag (a Prisoner of war camp) that is out to prove through terrible experiments that women can endure pain better than men. She hopes that with her findings, women will be able to serve in the army. The film also stars George “Buck” Flower (They Live) as Binz, Gregory Knoph as Wolfie, Tony Mumolo (Weekend With The Babysitter) as Mario, Maria Marx (Love Kills) as Anna, and Nicolle Riddell (Blazing Stewardesses) as Kata.

ilsaThere is only one thing I can say about this film and it is that you should keep this away from children. The film is a journey into the exploits of sex, bondage, and mutilation. The movie starts off with Ilsa having sex and the man does not satisfy her completely so she has him castrated. New arrivals are forced to strip nude as she examines them and the same goes for the men. The film is one grade below from being a softcore porn its so intense. One scene you have the female guards whipping a man and a women topless while the rest of the men in the camp rape another woman and that is only a half hour into the film. The rest of the film can be pretty brutal so if you’re not into these types of films, then avoid it. The only cool fact about the film besides the beautiful women in it is that they used the same set that the TV show Hogan’s Heroes used when they filmed it. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being close to an A-list Hollywood film and 5 being the cheesiest film of all time, I give it a 4 because it’s practically softcore porn.

File:Ilsa she wolf of ss poster 02.jpg

courtesy of wikipedia