Posts Tagged ‘Tarzan’

First and foremost, I want to start this off by saying thank you to all the men and women that have served in the military. I really appreciate everything you have done and I should know, there are five generations of soldiers in my family that I know of. This is something new that I am going to try that is kind of like the rock and metal news posts that I do, but this has more to do with the DC/Marvel war in my opinion because it’s getting exciting as each brand makes more and more announcements every week. So, let’s get this party started.

margot-robbie-harley-quinn-sliceThe first piece of news that I have for all of you has finally sealed the deal for me as far as my interest in the new Suicide Squad film that DC Comics has green lighted. I kept wondering if Harley Quinn was going to be in the film because I know she is not an original member of the Suicide Squad. The news that broke today has confirmed that she will be apart of it as it’s being reported by my sources that are close to Collider. Margot Robbie who is probably best known for her role as the sexy wife of Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in Wolf Of Wall Street is going to play Harley Quinn in the David Ayer directed film. We know that she is one busy girl as she is currently filming Tarzan where she plays Jane and she also has roles in the future like Focus with Will Smith and the 2015 Sci-Fi film Z for Zachariah. The film is expected to hit theaters in 2016 so stay tuned for more info as it becomes available. Also for leaked images and video from the new Superman Vs Batman: Dawn Of Justice film, click here.

According to Nerdist News, trouble is brewing ahead for Sony as they continue to fumble the future of Spider Man. The word today is that Aunt May is going to be getting her own solo film which will be based off of a failed comic. Sony had discussed making Spider Man a female character for the next film and apparently Aunt May is the Spider Woman. She apparently is bitten by a spider, gives birth to Peter and gives him away to the woman he thinks is his mother. Does it frustrate you yet? It will have a Mad Men theme with plenty of espionage included. Apparently in the new Fantastic Four film that will come out, Dr. Doom is going to be a disgruntled blogger so forget the fact that he is the leader of a fictional country known as Latveria and Doom is his screen handle. To check out more from Nerdist, just click here.

cm punkIn other Marvel news, we will be travelling to the actual comic book world where a huge announcement has been made regarding a new writer for Thor and other stories within Marvel. CM Punk, the former professional wrestler has signed with Marvel to be a writer for the comic book company. The first issue he will start with is Thor and here is what CM Punk had to say about it, “I think it helps that I picked [an] artist who I was already friends with, and can speak freely to. I think he’ll get it, you know what I mean? I think the e-mails that we’ve sent back and forth now regarding the story, you could probably print. I just think they’re entertaining. “Hey, what if we do this?” and it turns into the next big e-mail chain. It’s hilarious.” The issue is due out in February of 2015.