Posts Tagged ‘The Delta Force’

american ninja 3 Blood HuntI don’t want you to mix up today’s Ass Whoopin Wednesday movie American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt with that reality game show American Ninja Warrior which is pretty bad ass as well. American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt  was the first film to not feature Michael Dudikoff in it, but Steve James (The Delta Force) came back to reprise his role as Curtis Jackson and he has a couple of new partners in this film. The film is about karate champion Sean Davidson (David Bradley) who travels to an island to compete in what he believes is a karate tournament where he meets Jackson (James) and a hot shot named Dexter (Evan J. Klisser). During their time on the island they discover that something fishy is going on when a bunch of Ninjas show up and they start to attack them. Upon investigating what is going on, Sean gets infected with a virus and now they have to go after a man named Cobra (Marjoe Gortner) to get the antidote before it’s too late. The film also stars Michele B. Chan (Danger Bay) as Chan Lee, Yehuda Efroni (The Delta Force) as General Andreas, Calvin Jung (Robocop) as Izumo, Mike Huff (Project Shadowchaser II) as Dr. Holger, and a crap ton of people as Ninjas and martial artists and the film was directed by Cedric Sundstrom (American Ninja 4). Now let’s look at some of the stats before we review this bad boy:

american ninja 3 stats copy










american ninjaThis was definitely a film that was full of that martial arts ass kicking action, but is it the best of the series? The answer to that question is probably not, but it had every intention on being that. It had the making of your typical martial arts film except for the love interest part. Sean witnesses his father get killed in the beginning of the film and he gets to extract revenge on the man responsible later on. As a group, they kill or knockout a whopping total of 65 people which is the most so far that I have seen on Ass Whoopin Wednesdays. The film has some real cheesy lines and some parts of the acting is a little much from some of the b+ players in the film, but while Bradley is obviously no Dudikoff he does a decent job filling in. Steve James’s character of Jackson is actually kind of cool, but a little over the top to today’s standards, but he is one cool brother. I really enjoyed watching the film even though some of the sequences made no sense, but maybe only a true ninja will know the answer to those questions that I have. The film is on Youtube for free, so If you want to watch it then just type in the name, but I definitely want to cover the first film for this post. I am going to give this 3.5 fists out of five for a final grade.
