Posts Tagged ‘The Patriot’

Fury_2014_posterI ventured out to the movies like I always do on a Tuesday and I didn’t watch a horror movie, but that is because there was a film that had been gaining a lot of praise. I went and checked out the brand new World War II film starring Brad Pit (Inglorious Basterds), Shia LaBeouf (Lawless), Logan Lerman (3:10 To Yuma), Michael Peña (End Of Watch), and Jon Bernthal (The Walking Dead). Brad Pitt plays a war hardened character named Wardaddy who leads his crew of misfits (the guys listed above)and a rookie in a tank named Fury in World War II. It’s April of 1945 and the allies are looking to make the final push in Germany to defeat the Nazi party. With all the odds stacked against them, they will drive into the heart of Nazi country and they will try with all their might to take them down in hopes of ending the war once and for all. The film also stars Jim Parrack (Battle Los Angeles) as Sergeant Binkowski, Brad William Henke (Pacific Rim) as Sergeant Davis, Anamaria Marinca (Europa Report) as Irma, Alicia von Rittberg (Romy) as Emma, Jason Isaacs (The Patriot) as Captain Waggoner, Kevin Vance (Sabotage) as Sergeant Peterson, Scott Eastwood (Flags Of Our Fathers) as Sergeant Miles, and this brutal in depth look at the ugliness of war film was directed by David Ayer (End Of Watch).

Fury-brad-pittI said ugliness of war in the above paragraph, but the film also gives you a look at brotherhood and what it means to fight next to your fellow soldiers for a cause. This film could be viewed as a coming of age story for Logan Lerman’s character of Norman Ellison who is the rookie on board with a group of guys that have been battle tested. He has only been in the army for 8 weeks and he is absolutely petrified of war, but you see him grow in the film as he turns into a man thanks to Wardaddy. I will tell you that this film is unlike any other World War II film I had ever seen because the battle scenes depicted are extremely intense and it is not for the faint of heart. Much like what they did in Passions Of The Christ, they are showing you here that war isn’t beautiful. It’s ugly and sad, but unfortunately someone has to fight and like the poster says “War Never Ends Quitely.” I’m just wondering how factual the story itself is, but man their are scenes in this film that are just hard to watch. This is definitely a candidate for movie of the year in next years Monster Entertainment Awards and it’s definitely one of my all time favorite war films. I am giving the film an A+ for a final grade because the acting was amazing, the cinematography was amazing, and the score that goes along with the film is beautiful.