Posts Tagged ‘The Leather Boys’

virgin witchI watched The Living Dead Girl the other day and for some reason I am picking movies that are also Rob Zombie song titles and after digging through Netflix, I finally settled on this British Exploitation horror film from 1972 that was directed by Ray Austin called Virgin Witch. The movie stars real life sisters Ann and Vicky Michelle as two sisters that run away from home. They stumble upon a lecherous lesbian who poses as a big time modelling agent in order to lure virgins to the countryside to get photographed. The thing Christine (Ann) doesn’t realize is that she has been set up to be the virgin sacrifice for a witch coven that has been covered up by Sybil Waite, the lecherous lesbian.  The problem for the coven is that Christine is not just any girl as they will soon find out. The movie also stars Patricia Haines (Blood Beast From Outer Space) as Sybil, James Chase (The Leather Boys) as Peter, Keith Buckley (The Spy Who Loved Me) as Johnny, and Garth Watkins (Twins Of Evil) as Gerald.

Ann Michelle CollageThe most exciting thing about this film is the ritual scenes because the nudity and sexual nature is off the charts. If you want to watch natural naked beauties from the 70′s then this is the film because there’s plenty of it hence the reason it made it to Cheeseball Cinema. I think the more nudity a movie has, the more it fits this list.  The movie has a really slow build up sort of reminiscent of Rosemary’s Baby, where you’re expecting something to happen, but you don’t get until the end. I felt the first half of the film had way too much dialogue and the second half was the more exciting of the two. Some of the scenes as I had said are real erotic as it something you would expect from an exploitation film. The cinematographer at times didn’t take into account the different lighting problems that he would run into and the beginning of the film, the shots are real erratic and all over the place. On a scale of 1 being close to an A-list Hollywood film and 5 being the cheesiest film of all time I am going to give the film a 3 just because there was obviously way too much nudity for America to handle back in the 70’s.

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