Posts Tagged ‘Ben Robson’

TheBoy_2016-OfficialPosterI recently saw that my local Redbox had Brahms: The Boy II and I wanted to check it out, but there is just one problem with that. How can you watch a sequel when you’ve never seen the first film in the series? I did that with a different series and I had no idea about any of the references so for today I thought it would be a smart choice to see 2016’s The Boy which was directed by William Brent Bell (The Devil Inside). The film stars Lauren Cohan (Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice) as Greta Evans, an American Nanny that travels to England to take care of a child to a very wealthy family. The only problem is that when she gets there, she finds out that the boy she is watching is a life size doll named Brahms as well as a set of rules that she has to follow. As soon as she breaks a couple of the rules, weird things begin to happen in the house that she believes that Brahms is alive somehow, but there’s a dark secret that she doesn’t know. The film also stars Rupert Evans (Hellboy) as Malcolm, Jim Norton (The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas) as Mr. Heelshire, Diana Hardcastle (The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) as Mrs. Heelshire, Ben Robson (Hard To Lose) as Cole, and James Russell (Red Dead Redemption II) as Brahms Heelshire.

theboySpoiler Alert: There may be some information in this paragraph that could spoil the film. So proceed with caution. So I was totally expecting the film to go one way with how they were going to explain Brahm, but as soon as it happens I’m like oh that makes sense. We are all thinking that this is some supernatural ghost story about a boy who died in a fire only to be placed in the body of a doll. I mean were you expecting him to be Chucky or even Annabelle? So, when he smashes the doll, I was like the ghost is going to show up, but then the real Brahm appeared and I was OK with that because they didn’t do what I thought they would have. I definitely enjoyed the fact that they had a small cast for the film because you didn’t need much for the type of story that it was. Lauren Cohan had to do a lot of work as she at points of the film is the only actress on screen and she does it well. This isn’t the greatest horror film ever made because there was no real suspense and no real jump scare scenes. It was more of trying to spook you out of the unknown and I think that works, but you need real suspense. That is my only criticism of the writing and the direction, but this was still a good flick to watch on Netflix as we speak. So, I am going to go ahead and give this one an B for a final grade.