Posts Tagged ‘Elissa Dowling’

Last year, I had looked forward to seeing a film that featured one of my all time favorite wrestlers in the one and only CM Punk a.k.a. Phil Brooks. The only problem is that it wasn’t made available for me to watch in time for last years Eddie’s 31 Days Of Halloween, but thanks to Netlfix 2019’s The Girl On The Third Floor was there and I chose it for today. The film stars Brooks as Don Koch, a guy who has made a lot of mistakes in life is looking forward to making it up to his pregnant wife by fixing up a house that they had just bought in the suburbs. The only problem is that a mysterious woman comes by and things begin to go crazy for Don in the house because the house has other plans for him. The film also stars Trieste Kelly Dunn (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) as Liz Koch, Sarah Brooks (I’m Still Here) as Sarah Yates, Elissa Dowling (Ghost Of Camp Blood) as Sadie, Karen Woditsch (Bad Johnson) as Ellie Mueller, Travis Delgado (2 In The Bush: A Love Story) as Milo Stone, Marshall Bean (Dead Meat) as Geary McCabe, Anish Jethmalani (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice) as Attorney Manny Bharara, Tonya Kay (Fight To The Finish) as The Nymph, and the movie was directed by Travis Stevens (Busters Mal Heart).

I know what all of you are wondering and it’s the inevitable question of how good or how bad was this film? The film has an 84% on Rotten Tomatoes and it be a deserved grade from all the critics because it was actually a real good idea and it was actually a pretty decent film. I thought that CM Punk lived up tot he expectations as best as he possible could and he carried the film very well. I know a lot of people were probably looking for him to fail in this film,but he does the opposite of that as he holds his own very well and he adds a certain swagger to the role as well. I loved the overall aesthetics of the film and that has to do with the special effects which helped create this creepy factor from the stuff that oozes out of the wall to the Nymph which was a creepy looking character to begin with as well. They made the house seem alive like it was a character as well and you have to love the marble scenes as well cause it adds to it and you’ll understand what it means at one point in the film. Sarah Brooks deserves a lot of credit for this film because she did an amazing job playing opposite CM Punk and playing the antagonist for the film. She did it with her sexiness as she used sex as a weapon to lure Don into her trap. I definitely think it’s worth a watch and it’s available on Netflix right now. I am going to give the film an B for a final grade.