Posts Tagged ‘Goodbye’

5-the-gray-chapter-by-slipknotI want to apologize to everyone for not having the album of the week last week for you, but here it is. For this week’s album of the week, we are continuing along with reviewing the albums that won rock, metal, and heavy ass metal album of the year back at the 4TH Annual Monster Entertainment Awards. A couple of weeks ago, we reviewed Behemoth’s The Satanist (Heavy Ass Metal Album Of The Year) and this week we are reviewing the album that won Metal Album Of The Year in Slipknot’s .5: The Gray Chapter. This was a monumental album for the band from Iowa as it was their first album they had ever recorded without their drummer Joey Jordison (he was released) and their bassist Paul Gray (Death). The album was named after Paul Gray and it was their fifth overall studio album and the band’s first since 2008’s All Hope Is Gone. It featured the same cast of characters as Corey Taylor (Vocals), Sid Wilson (Turntables), M. Shawn Crahan (Percussion), Jim Root (Guitars), Mick Thomson (Guitars), Craig Jones (Sampling, Keyboards), and Chris Fehn (Percussion) returned to make the album while the identities of the other members remained a mystery. Jim Root claimed that original guitarist Donnie Steele helped record some bass parts for the record, but chose to not be in the band in order to pursue raising a family. The album was produced by Craig Fidelman and it peaked at number one on three charts which were The Billboard Top 200, US Top Hard Rock Albums, and US Top Rock Albums. The album also went number one in Australia, Japan, Switzerland, Canada, and it went number two in the UK, New Zealand, Germany, and Austria.

vol5-group1. XIX– The track has a very slow build up with what sounds like weird bagpipes with the occasional chimes of the keys, but it’s an intro that deals with the death of Paul Gray. 3/5

2. Sarcastrophe– This track showcases the band’s songwriting skills that they have brought to the table for over 15 years as the prove they still have it with this thunderous track. The song starts with a slow build up before they roar into the thrash-laden riffs as Root and Thomsen rule on the track matched with Corey’s world famous roars. 5/5

3. AOV– The song is an experiment in death metal as the band showcases their love for razor fast, face slicing riffs in a track that could be about Joey Jordison. The acronym AOV apparently means Approaching Original Violence. 4/5

4. The Devil In I– When this single came out, I was absolutely blown away by the intensity displayed in this track. It’s everything you would expect from the mighty Slipknot because it was in your face, catchy, and just badass. 5/5

5. Killpop– This could be the popiest song on the album, but at times it gets intense especially during the chorus. It’s definitely one of the stand out tracks on the record as he sings about loving someone, but not being able to bear seeing them destroy themselves. 4/5

slipknot6. Skeptic– Musically the song is intense combining elements of Iowa with Vol. 3 as they sing tribute to their late bassist. For Example: The world will never see another crazy motherfucker like you / The world will never know another man as amazing as you. 4/5

7. Lech– It’s another trip into musical insanity, but one that is completely balls to the wall. It’s great to see the band channel their past like Slipknot has on this record. The moral of the story is that no one is bulletproof. 4/5

8. Goodbye– While the music is slowed down for this track, there is no denying the song is a rally cry for the mighty Slipknot as Corey sings about not being ready to say Goodbye yet. Oh and don’t worry because the song does intensify a little. 4/5

9. Nomadic– I love the intro to the song because it definitely reminds me a lot of Iowa cause it’s in your face whether it be the vocals, drums, and the guitars. This is definitely another favorite of mine as the guitars at times sound similar to People=Shit or even Left Behind. 5/5

10. The One That Kills The Least– I love the lyrics to this song especially the part when he says, “I know the deal, I realize the one that kills the least still kills us all.” It’s almost like he’s saying that when it comes time to survive, you’ll bend your moral rules in order to survive. I could be wrong, but that’s what I think. Great song too. 4/5

11. Custer– This track is such a throwback to the old days and I have to agree with one reviewer that this is Surfacing 2015 cause Sid gets a chance to shine with his scratching. 5/5

12. Be Prepared for Hell– This is an intro track into the next song as you take a trip through madness. 4/5

Slipknot_-_The_Negative_One_single_cover13. The Negative One– This is definitely one of the best tracks on the album if you are a die hard Slipknot fan as it’s a return to the sound of the first two records with the in your face assault of vocals from Corey, Double bass attack, and fast as hell riffs. Enjoy the chaos!!! 5/5

14. If Rain Is What You Want– This is the last track on the record and the track is definitely different than the rest of the album. It sounds very tribal in the beginning with clean guitars before it starts to intensify. It’s an amazing way to end an album like this one. 4/5

My Final Thoughts– It’s great to see the guys back at it no matter who the new drummer and bassist is. They go back to a time when the music really ruled and I love it. The band has definitely not lost their edge despite the fact that Joey is no longer in the band, the new drummer does a great job. This is a definite must have record for any Slipknot fan out there. I am giving the album 4.3 stars out of five for a final grade.