Posts Tagged ‘Hellboy’

COMIC TITLE: Horror Comics #1 (2019)
Andrew Lunatik– Artist
Bradley Golden–Writer
May 29, 2019
Antarctic Press

horror-comics-1-antarctic-press-od0319-rd2219-scorch_680_largeWe took the week off because things got a little bit crazy and there wasn’t really anything that came out that interested me anyways. That is a completely different story with this week’s releases because there were so many new ones like a brand new Iron Maiden comic, a Hellboy one off, a brand new Batman comic, and today’s Comic Book Of The Week in Antarctic Press’s Horror Comics #1. It was definitely a hard week to choose just one title for today, but the comic which combines one of my favorite genres in it’s title. The comic was written by Bradley Golden (Exciting Comics) and illustrated by Andrey Lunatik which was built off of Timmy Lala’s Ice Scream to which they built on Kickstarter. In the comic, Thomas Wright is a beloved figure in Miami community because he puts smiles on the faces of children and adults with the power of Ice Cream. The only thing that these unsuspecting people do not know is that Thomas has a little bit of a dark side, but don’t they wonder how he gets his ice cream to taste better than the competitions? Check out the comic where ever comic books are sold in your area, but also visit Antarctic Press.

MAR191460As far as the story is concerned, I liked what they did because they set up what direction they were going to go to, but they ended it just at the right time. They ended it at a point where you are super excited for what is going to come next because they gave you the pop in the first issue. The artwork is not exactly my favorite aspect of the comic, but I do not hate it. I actually think that it fits the subject matter and the mood of the comic if that makes any sense. I do have to admit that I was a little skeptical about the comic because I was wondering how different was this comic book going to be compared to Image’s Ice Cream Man and Antarctic Press did not disappoint. They made it so that the Ice Cream Man is the main character and not the Cryptkeeper type character that Image’s was. So, I think it’s safe to say that I am definitely going to be looking forward to issue number two because horror is my life and my passion. So, do yourselves a favor and check it out for sure and while you are at it, check out my grades below:


Story/Plot: A+

Artwork: A-

Character Representation: A+

Entertainment Value: A+

unnamedIf you are a movie lover and you thought that the last What If… was fun then wait until you check out today’s idea. There have been so many great films that have come out in the last 20 years or so with so many of today’s stars, but thanks to something has been brought to my attention. Nerdist presented an idea that was brought to the limelight thanks to New York illustrator Peter Stults who also dabbles in the idea of what ifs on his own site. He presented the idea of what if some of today’s films that are so popular starred classic actors and actresses of the past. I am talking about films like Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Iron Man, The Shape Of Water, Hellboy, Dune, Trainspotting, and so many more amazing ideas. I mean could you have imagined if Trainspotting starred actors like Anthony Hopkins, Terence Stamp, Michael Caine, Julie Christie, and Ian Holm as Begbie? It might have been an excellent film, but that is up to us to imagine hence why this is called What If. Could you have imagined Paul Newman as Tony Stark in Iron Man? He might not have done it with the same charisma as Robert Downey Jr, but it might have been cool to see. I want to thank Peter with presenting some amazing ideas and while you check out some of them below, don’t forget to visit his site for even more amazing stuff.



john-dies-banner-670x247While the horror world decides on what series they should continue and so on and so forth, there are people that are making films that are a little different than what we are used to. Sure, we have had weird supernatural films before, but none like John Dies At The End, a film that was written and directed by horror legend Don Coscarelli (Phantasm, Bubba Ho-Tep) and is our choice for Eddie’s 31 Days Of Halloween film today. He brings a new element to films that involve other dimensions, weird creatures, and time. The film is about two college dropouts who ingest a new street drug that allows you to see things that no normal human can see. It also allows you to travel to different dimensions while altering time. The only problem is that you may not return to planet earth as a human anymore. So, can Dave (Chase Williamson) and John (Rob Mayes) save the world from this silent, but deadly creatures? The film also stars Paul Giamatti (Private Parts), Glynn Turman (Gremlins), Daniel Roebuck (The Lords of Salem), Clancy Brown (The Shawshank Redemption), and Doug Jones (Hellboy).

tumblr_mizo3k1wyv1qzuyqyo1_1280The film at times can go all over the place which frustrated me a little bit because we start off with a scene where Dave is chopping someone’s head off and then it cuts to a restaurant where the scene is never to be explained or touched upon again. The rest of the film is self explanatory where he is telling his story to the journalist in hopes that his story will be told. Some of the scenes are cheesy, but overall this was actually a very good film. There’s plenty of freaky looking creatures in the film and some weird happenings to satisfy any horror fan, but do not be mistaken by my words. The film in my opinion was not scary, but an 8 year old might believe that it is. The acting is actually pretty good and if I had to give out an MVP award it would definitely go to Williamson because he carried the film. One of the monsters that is conjured up actually looks like a member of the band GWAR, just take a look to the left. This film is an adaptation of the novel written by journalist David Wong so if you want to check that out, go right ahead. I am going to give the film a B- because it was truly enjoyable.

John dies at the end poster.jpg

crimson peakDo you believe in ghost because Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska) sure does and maybe you will too after watching this film. Edith is a young woman in Buffalo, New York who is an inspiring horror author who just wants to publish her book. One day during a meeting with her father, she meets a charming man from England known as Sir Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston). Thomas is so enchanting and intriguing that he captures Edith’s heart. Edith’s father suspects that something is strange about Thomas and his sister Lucille (Jessica Chastain) that he investigates them. Before he can banish them to England, he is murdered and Edith marries Thomas and moves to his estate. Once she is there, strange things start to happen around the house that warn Edith of the horrors that lie in store for her. The film also stars Jim Beaver (Deadwood) as Carter Cushing, Charlie Hunnam (Sons Of Anarchy) as Dr. Alan McMichael, Burn Goman (The Dark Knight) as Holly, Doug Jones (Hellboy) as Edith’s Mother, Lady Sharpe, Leslie Hope (Talk Radio) as Mrs. McMichael, Jonathan Hyde (Titanic) as Ogilvie, Bruce Gray (Starship Troopers) as Ferguson, and the film was directed by Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth).

crimson peak 2One of the biggest things you should know heading into this film is that it really isn’t that scary of a movie. The film is not a ghost story, but rather a story with ghosts and that is the best way I can describe it. There is no question that the acting is amazing, the sets were amazing, and the cinematography was amazing. I will also say that I thought the story was amazing as well because it’s a tale of deceit. You’ll also see in this film and you’ll probably figure out that there is something weird with the Sharpe siblings. Chastain, Hiddleston, and Wasikowska were all brilliant as well in this film and I couldn’t have asked for a better cast. The other element that makes this film work is the fact that it’s a period piece rather than something set in the current times. The ghosts are also very unique looking a little different than what we are used to seeing as ghosts, but believe me it works. As I said, the ghosts were a very minor part of the film as they were there for aesthetic purposes in my opinion. While the ghosts may be tortured souls, they are doing their best to warn Edith, but she chooses not to listen to them until it’s almost too late.  I think the film is definitely worth checking out, but don’t expect to have the crap scared out of you is all that I am saying. I am going to give the film an B+ for a final grade only because it wasn’t that scary.