Posts Tagged ‘Jennifer Tilly’

cult of chuckyYou can imagine that when it was announced that they were doing another Chucky film, I was instantly excited to see the film. It was one of those films that I wanted to include in Eddie’s 31 Days Of Halloween and that is what we did as it is today’s film. The film takes place after the events of Curse Of Chucky where Andy Barclay (Alex Vincent) still has the head of Chucky (Brad Dourif) and Nica (Fiona Dourif) is now in a mental facility because it is believed that she committed the murders in the previous film. Dr. Foley (Michael Therriault) believes that he can cure Nica of her guilt of the murders through therapy with a Good Guy doll that goes by the name of Chucky. What he doesn’t realize is that he has unleashed unholy hell on the hospital as multiple good guy dolls start to show up and people are dropping like flies. The film also stars Allison Dawn Doiron (And Now a Word From Our Sponsor) as Rachel, Zak Santiago (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) as Nurse Carlos, Ali Tataryn (Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings) as Nurse Ashley, Marina Stephenson Kerr (My Awkward Sexual Adventure) as Angela, Adam Hurtig (Devil’s Gate) as Michael, Grace Lynn Kung (The Strain) as Claire, Elisabeth Rosen (The ABC’s Of Death) as Madeleine, Jennifer Tilly (Bride Of Chucky) as Tiffany, and the film was directed by Don Mancini (Seed Of Chucky).

coc 2First thing’s first and that is I am going to talk about everything I disliked about the film before I discuss what I did like. My first problem with the film was the look of the Good Guy doll which just seemed a little off to me for some reason like he looked a little like his kid from Seed Of Chucky. The animatronic effects in the film were a little off for me as well as it just seemed like he was a puppet rather than a doll that can walk. The early films and even Seed Of Chucky were flawless in this department in my opinion. The third thing that bothered me was the voice of the good guy doll when he wasn’t trying to be himself. The voice of the doll was completely off like it was a bad recording that was playing through a speaker. I was questioning at first whether it was Brad Dourif voicing the doll until he would become himself. The story was OK at first until you start to see what is really unraveling and you start to jump on board with it. The ending concept is quite brilliant with the idea of a cult that forms in the name of Chucky. The only thing that I am wondering about is if Chucky’s head is with Andy then how are all the other dolls becoming Chucky? They definitely leave you with a cliffhanger at the end of the film which almost tells you that there is a possibility of another film or it really could just spell the end because he gets what he wanted after all. If you can get past all of the things in the beginning of this paragraph then it’s not that bad of a film, but not my favorite. I am going to give the film an C+ for a final grade.

moving violationsToday’s Cheeseball Cinema film may be the most unlikely film that I review because of how good the film actually is. The film is called Moving Violations and essentially the film is about a bunch of unlikely people from Birch County that all have to attend traffic school in order to keep their records clean after they were all pull over by an overzealous team of bike cops. Dana Cannon (John Murray) is kind of a jokester whose mouth gets him in a whole lot of trouble especially with one of the cops named Deputy Halk (James Keach) who has a bone to pick with Dana. One day, the deputy ends up barking up the wrong tree and has to teach the traffic school. It is there that he will put Dana and the rest of the class through a lot of trouble in hopes that they will all fail the traffic school until Dana and the class fights back. The film also stars Jennifer Tilly (Bride Of Chucky) as Amy Hopkins, Brian Backer (The Burning) as Scott, Ned Eisenberg (The Burning) as Wink, Clara Peller (The Stuff) as Emma Jean, Wendie Jo Sperber (Back To The Future 2) as Joan, Fred Willard (American Wedding) as Doc Williams, Lisa Hart Carroll (Terms Of Endearment) as Deputy Morris, Nadine Van der Velde (Private School) as Stephanie, Ben Mittleman (Dead Heat) as Spencer, Sally Kellerman (Back To School) as Judge Henderson, and the film was directed by Neal Israel (Bachelor Party).

movingIt was very hard for me to really pick out anything bad about the film other than the fact that it seems to go too fast through the story at times. The only downside to the film is that there was absolutely no T&A and at times they teased us with Jennifer Tilly who would later get naked in films like Hollywood North, The Getaway, and others. For a long time, I was in love with Jennifer Tilly, but that is a whole different story for another day. The film has some really clever scenes and gags in it especially when Murray’s character is interacting with Keach’s tight wad character. This was the 1980’s which means that the hairstyles, clothing, and music was pretty wild and the film has some of that contained within it for your enjoyment. The only thing I found with this film and the film Zapped Again, is that the character does way too many of his jokes within the film. It almost goes way overboard like every line he says is a one liner. The one scene that I loved was when Wendie Jo Sperber’s character had no idea that Doc Williams was a mechanic and not a real doctor. You have to see that scene cause that was typical 80’s comedy gold. Overall, I really enjoyed watching the film and I’m glad I discovered it on Youtube. On a scale of 1 being close to an A-list Hollywood Film and 5 being the cheesiest film of all time I am going to give this film a 1.9 for a final grade.


curse of chuckyDuring last years 31 Days Of Halloween, I presented the very first Child’s Play as one of the films and I even went into detail about how it looked like a My buddy and me doll. Well, now I won’t have to go through that talk again, but the killer doll is back. Thew film is directed by the series longtime writer Don Mancini  and it’s stars Fiona Dourif (The Messenger) as Nica, a woman confined to a wheel chair that found her mother dead after receiving the doll in the mail. She doesn’t suspect anything until her visiting niece Alice (Summer H. Howell) starts to play with the doll and weird things start happening to her visiting family. The movie also stars Danielle Bisutti (Insidious Chapter 2) as Barb, Maitland McConnell (Killer Movie) as Jill,  Brennan Elliott (Flight 93) as Ian, A Martinez (General Hospital) as a priest, and Brad Dourif as Charles Lee Ray and the voice of Chucky.

chuckyI was a little excited when I heard they had made another one and in my opinion they were delivering until we get to the end. Overall, I have to say that it wasn’t that bad, I didn’t like the way Chucky looked and I thought they had abandoned all the films in the series until later in the film when his stitches are revealed. So, after revealing the real Chucky, I wondered where they were going to take it or how they would handle the past. I actually didn’t enjoy the back story because I thought it was a little cheesy. I won’t tell you what it is because I want you to be the judge of that. I will say that I didn’t see the ending coming although I knew who Chucky’s first three victims were going to be because it was obvious.  There’s a surprise visit from Chucky’s past in the film and from what the ending revealed, their could be another Chucky film in the distant future. I am going to give the film a B because it was enjoyable, but it also gets that grade because of the back story.