Posts Tagged ‘Ned Eisenberg’

moving violationsToday’s Cheeseball Cinema film may be the most unlikely film that I review because of how good the film actually is. The film is called Moving Violations and essentially the film is about a bunch of unlikely people from Birch County that all have to attend traffic school in order to keep their records clean after they were all pull over by an overzealous team of bike cops. Dana Cannon (John Murray) is kind of a jokester whose mouth gets him in a whole lot of trouble especially with one of the cops named Deputy Halk (James Keach) who has a bone to pick with Dana. One day, the deputy ends up barking up the wrong tree and has to teach the traffic school. It is there that he will put Dana and the rest of the class through a lot of trouble in hopes that they will all fail the traffic school until Dana and the class fights back. The film also stars Jennifer Tilly (Bride Of Chucky) as Amy Hopkins, Brian Backer (The Burning) as Scott, Ned Eisenberg (The Burning) as Wink, Clara Peller (The Stuff) as Emma Jean, Wendie Jo Sperber (Back To The Future 2) as Joan, Fred Willard (American Wedding) as Doc Williams, Lisa Hart Carroll (Terms Of Endearment) as Deputy Morris, Nadine Van der Velde (Private School) as Stephanie, Ben Mittleman (Dead Heat) as Spencer, Sally Kellerman (Back To School) as Judge Henderson, and the film was directed by Neal Israel (Bachelor Party).

movingIt was very hard for me to really pick out anything bad about the film other than the fact that it seems to go too fast through the story at times. The only downside to the film is that there was absolutely no T&A and at times they teased us with Jennifer Tilly who would later get naked in films like Hollywood North, The Getaway, and others. For a long time, I was in love with Jennifer Tilly, but that is a whole different story for another day. The film has some really clever scenes and gags in it especially when Murray’s character is interacting with Keach’s tight wad character. This was the 1980’s which means that the hairstyles, clothing, and music was pretty wild and the film has some of that contained within it for your enjoyment. The only thing I found with this film and the film Zapped Again, is that the character does way too many of his jokes within the film. It almost goes way overboard like every line he says is a one liner. The one scene that I loved was when Wendie Jo Sperber’s character had no idea that Doc Williams was a mechanic and not a real doctor. You have to see that scene cause that was typical 80’s comedy gold. Overall, I really enjoyed watching the film and I’m glad I discovered it on Youtube. On a scale of 1 being close to an A-list Hollywood Film and 5 being the cheesiest film of all time I am going to give this film a 1.9 for a final grade.


220px-TheburningposterThe movie I chose for today’s edition of Cheeseball Cinema features a lot of whose who of 80’s and 90’s star in a film directed by Tony Maylam (The Riddle of the Sands) with the story written by Harvey Weinstein and adapted into a screenplay by Bob Weinstein called The Burning. A janitor or caretaker named Cropsy (Lou David) of a summer camp gets pranked by a bunch of the kids that go there. The only problem is that the prank caused a fire and left him severely burnt and he survived the whole ordeal. It’s now five years later and he’s getting out of the hospital and he is out for revenge as he heads for Camp Blackfoot for revenge on some innocent teenagers that just happen to be there now. The movie stars Jason Alexander (Seinfeld), Leah Ayres (Bloodsport), Brian Backer (Fast Times At Ridgemont High), Larry Joshua (Dances With Wolves), Ned Eisenberg (Flags Of Our Fathers), Fisher Stevens (Short Circuit), Holly Hunter (The Incredibles), and a quick appearance by K.C. Townsend (How To Murder Your Wife).

hqdefaultThey say that all the greats get their start in Horror like Kevin Bacon (Friday The 13TH), Johnny Depp (Nightmare On Elm Street), and even Jason Alexander who became a great in the television realm with Seinfeld. The idea for the movie was there and the execution was pretty good, but there was one thing that bothered me. On some of the scenes, Joshua’s character is going from one side of the island to another side to get wood for a fire. When he is with the girl before he leaves it’s just before dawn. When he goes to steal the matches from the other side, it’s dark out, and when he returns it’s back to just before dawn. When the caretaker is burning, you can tell the stuntman is wearing a fire suit and a helmet instead of the sweatshirt and jeans he had on in bed and to make matters worse he kicks the skull onto the bed which engulfs the bed in flames. Other than that, the film has everything I ever loved about slasher flicks of the 80’s. It’s got girls, corny jokes, violence, and naked girls on occasion. The Weinstein’s would go on to produce better films in their careers. On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being close to a Hollywood a-list movie and 5 being the cheesiest movie of all time, I give this film a 2.7