Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas King’

The summer is dwindling down which means that the summer of blockbusters is almost over and it’s time to look forward to the fall. I recently watched three films and I have a small little review of all three which are Sinister 2, American Ultra, and Hitman: Agent 47. The films were released today so choose wisely and enjoy!

sinister 2Sinister 2– Back in 2012, we were introduced to an evil demon known as Bughuul who gets children to commit unthinkable acts to their parents. In the first film Ethan Hawk was an author who was researching all of the weird crimes for a book that he was writing with the help of Sheriff Deputy So & So (James Ransone). As we all know, Ethan Hawke’s character dies and now the ex- deputy So & So is back and this time he is obsessed with solving the mystery. While on the journey, he runs into a mother (Shannyn Sossamon) and her twin sons who are living in an old house that has been marked for death. I truly believe that the first Sinister was just brilliant and spooky while this one just tries to spook you with the cheap scares and some gruesome kill scenes. The film isn’t terrible, but it definitely wasn’t better than the first despite the fact we get to see Bughuul a little bit more. The film also stars Lea Coco, Robert Daniel Sloan, Dartanian Sloan, Lucas Jade Zumann, and Nicholas King as Bughuul. I am giving the film a C- for a final grade

american ultraAmerican Ultra– There was quite some hype heading into this film as some were saying that if Pineapple Express (a personal favorite of mine) and all The Bourne Films had a baby this would be their child. The film stars Lex Luthor himself Jesse Eisenberg as a stoner who has no idea that he is a Government secret weapon until he is activated by his creator while at work. Along with his girlfriend Phoebe (Kristen Stewart), they’ll go one heck of an adventure as they try to avoid ultimate extinction. I have to be honest with all of you and say that I really enjoyed watching this film even though I had no expectations heading into it. It’s fun and it’s a different kind of way to handle secret agent films to make it more hip to the younger crowd. The film also stars Topher Grace, Connie Britton, Walton Goggins, John Leguizamo, and Bill Pullman to name a few. I am going to give this film an A- for a final grade.

agent 47Hitman: Agent 47– I honestly didn’t know what in the world was wrong with the Original Hitman movie that starred Timothy Olyphant, but then again I am not in charge of these things. Well, Agent 47 returns to the big screen in Hitman: Agent 47, but the role is played by Rupert Friend (Pride & Prejudice) who is a man on a mission. This time he is looking for a woman by the name of Katia (Hannah Ware) who is just as special as him and can lead him directly to his target, but he has to get her before Syndicate agent John Smith (Zachary Quinto) does. If you’re looking for a very high body count then you’ll want to check this out, but some of the interactions are a little awkward at times during the film. Look for a full review coming next week in Ass Whoopin Wednesday. The film also stars Jürgen Prochnow, Ciaran Hinds, Angelababy, and Dan Bakkedahl to name a few. If you want to know what grade I gave this film, then you’ll have to wait for the full review coming on Wednesday.