Posts Tagged ‘Patrick Stewart’

social-share-v2As you all saw earlier in the year, I was saddened by the death of Anton Yelchin who was taken from us way too soon. I saved the opportunity to watch today’s film because I wanted to have at least one film from him for Eddie’s 31 Days Of Halloween. That is why I chose to watch Green Room for today’s film. Anton plays a punk rock musician named Pat whose in a band called the Ain’t Rights. Everyone knows that being a musician isn’t always glorious and they certainly know that taking gigs for almost nothing. Well one day they are promised a decent pay out to play a gig at a Nazi skinhead bar. Everything goes right until Pat unknowingly walks into a murder scene which traps the band at the bar and they have to fight for their lives just to survive. The film also stars Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: The Next Generation) as Darcy, Joe Cole (Secret In Their Eyes) as Reece, Alia Shawkat (Whip It) as Sam, Callum Turner (Victor Frankenstein) as Tiger, David Thompson (A Christmas Story 2) as Tad, Macon Blair (Blue Ruin) as Gabe, Eric Edelstein (Jurassic World) as Big Justin, Mark Webber (Scott Pilgrim Vs The World) as Daniel, Imogen Poots (Need For Speed) as Amber and the film was directed by Jeremy Saulnier (Murder Party). 

15greenroom1-master768The film featured an incredible young cast that carried the movie from beginning to end with the help of a vet in Patrick Stewart. Patrick Stewart was a true highlight of the film playing the always calm and collected head of the Nazi skinheads. One thing that sort of bothered me is that the film sort of plays into stereotypes when you hear Slayer music playing in the background at the club. Slayer has always been accused of being a Nazi skinhead group even though they do not represent them at all. That to me was a little bothersome, but it was expected and so I let it go while watching the film. This isn’t you typical horror film because of the way it plays out, but it’s listed every where as a horror film which is why I chose it for today. One of the scenes that is just brutal is when they decide to open the door the first time and they practically chop Anton’s hand off. You can see that it’s just hanging there by a piece of flesh and I was like ouch. Don’t think that it’s just a bunch of guys sitting in a room cause there is action in the film. If you love Anton Yelchin and you want to see more of his films, then definitely check this one out. I am going to give the film an A- for a final grade.

X-Men_Days_of_Future_Past_posterThis is something new that we re going to try and attempt to do for boring Sundays and it’s called Super Sunday. On Super Sunday, we will review a different superhero film no matter if it’s attached to DC Comics or Marvel Comics or maybe it’s one outside of the system like The Watchman. For the first Super Sunday post, I wanted to start off with the latest film in the ever expanding X-Men series entitled X-Men: Days Of Future Past which sees our favorite team of mutants in the greatest battle of their lives. In this film, all mutants backs are against the wall thanks to the Sentinels, robots that were created to eradicate the world of all mutants. The only problem is that the Sentinels are eliminating humans as well as mutants and the X-Men along with Magneto (Ian McKellen) are desperate for a solution. Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page) has the ability to send mutants back in time and so the X-Men send Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) back in time to stop an event in hopes that it will desperately change the future. The film stars James McAvoy (Trance) as Xavier, Michael Fassbender (Inglorious Basterds) as Erik, Jennifer Lawrence (American Hustle) as Raven/Mystique, Nicholas Hoult (Warm Bodies) as Hank/Beast, Peter Dinklage (Game Of Thrones) as Dr. Trask, Daniel Cudmore (Twilight Saga: New Moon) as Colossus, Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: The Next Generation) as Professor Xavier, Josh Helman (Jack Reacher) as Major Bill Stryker, and the film featured the return of Bryan Singer as the director.

maxresdefaultThere are no other words that I can think of to best describe how I felt about this film other than the fact that I thought it was awesome and epic. This is definitely one of my favorite films in the whole entire series because it has everything you would want from one of these films from the drama, suspense, and a crap ton of action that is non stop. It was definitely weird seeing a lot of the characters die in the film multiple times because you would like to think they are invincible, but quite sadly their not. It was also cool to see them mix the old with the new when old Xavier confronts young Xavier in hopes to get hi to change his mind since he was a lost soul in the 1970’s. The cinematography in the film is amazing and of course the CGI is up to par in the film as well as the acting is as superb as it always is within the series. The writing for the film is what is truly amazing because they were able to create a monster story and everything worked and it was executed superbly. Maybe, we can credit the return of Bryan Singer as the reason for all of that or maybe it’s a combination of all the elements involved in the making of the film. What we now know is that Fox is gearing up to prepare us for X-Men: Apocalypse which is the next film before they give the rights back to Marvel, I can see why Marvel wants all their films back from the major companies, but Fox has done a pretty good job so far with the X-Men. I am going to give the film an A- for a final grade because it was a step back in the right direction for Fox and Marvel.