Posts Tagged ‘Sandman’

marvel_vs_dc_universe___fan_concept_by_soul_blade22-d7337k4-dc-vs-marvel-did-dc-bow-down-to-marvelThis arms race which Is what I am calling the battle for supremacy between DC Comics and Marvel Comics when it comes to the cinema is heating up. We all remember that for a very long time in the 80’s that DC was the serious hitter in the theaters with the Christopher Reeves Superman films and the Batman films of the early 90’s. For the most part all Marvel had going for them in the 80’s was The Incredible Hulk TV series with Lou Ferrigno. It wasn’t until Fox started doing the X-Men films and Sony doing the Spider-Man films that Marvel was taken serious in the Box Office. Yeah, they had some mishaps with the Hulk film, Daredevil (which was actually pretty decent), and the Elektra film, but right when Iron Man hit the theaters after that God awful Superman Returns film, Marvel started to take over and DC slowly fell behind. The only thing that was keeping DC afloat was the brilliant Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy while The Green Lantern was just God awful. Marvel kept it coming with both Thor films, both Captain America films, the first Avengers film, and now Guardians Of The Galaxy which has Marvel at the 7 Billion dollar mark. I will admit that DC started to get back into the game with The Man Of Steel film, but it seems now that the two prominent comic book companies are taking the battle to the tube. Marvel first stepped up to the plate with Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D while Arrow from DC was a smash hit for fans and it made sense. The show was definitely perfect as a television series rather than a film. In October, The CW will debut the brand new Flash series while fox debuts Gotham. Well, now we have more news for the battle of supremacy.

1411138630000-DCE-Supergirl-INT-v01-r01The other day, Fox had announced that they were indeed going to do the Deadpool film which had a lot of us comic book and Marvel fans excited. How did DC respond to that? Well, first they announced that they had green lighted a series for the only channel (CBS) without a superhero show as CBS will carry Supergirl. Greg Berlanti (Arrow, The Flash) is going to be producing the show for Warner Brothers Television along with Ali Adler who is best known for her work with Glee, The New Normal, and No Ordinary Family (which was a short lived TV Series). It is said that they are going to be producing a pilot in hopes the network will order more episodes or else the network will face a hefty penalty as DC is not messing around when it comes to developing this TV Series. So, now at this point, we know that ABC has The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. show, Arrow and The Flash are on CW, Fox has Gotham, and NBC has Constantine. We also know that next year ABC will place Agent Carter as a fill in for The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (which the second season opens next week). The battle for supremacy is heating up, but there is more news to report.

suicide-squad-movie-david-ayer-dl-imageDC has also announced that they are going to green light the production of a Suicide Squad film. Do you not know who the Suicide Squad is? They are a team of super-villains that are given an opportunity at a lesser sentence if they go on suicide missions for the government. The team features lesser known super villains like Harley Quinn (The Joker’s girlfriend), Deathshot, and Deathstroke. The film is going to be made by David Ayer who recently directed the new Brad Pitt film that looks amazing in Fury. Even though nothing has been signed, sealed, and delivered on that, you have to think that this film could be an interesting watch with David Ayer at the helm. The man is best know for films like Suicide Kings, End Of Watch, and Sabotage which gives you a little bit of insight into how the film may look. The future of DC is looking bright as the company has already announced that Jason Momoa will star as Aquaman in a solo pic, Joesph Gordon-Levitt as Sandman, and Shazam which will feature Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Black Adam. I wanted to add one thing to this is that I would love to see some other comic book companies get films made like The Invisibles and many others.
