Posts Tagged ‘Veterans’

Last night, HBO held The Concert For Valor at The National Mall in Washington DC which was a tribute to all the men and women that serve in the United States Military to celebrate Veterans Days. One of the bands that appeared on stage at The Concert For Valor was Metallica who was given a tremendous introduction by Jack Black. The band opened up with For Whom The Bell Tolls and one of the coolest things you could notice besides the band ripping it was the fact that several men and women of the United States Military and their families were behind the band on stage as they rocked out. The band would then perform Master Of Puppets which was followed by set closer Enter Sandman. The concert also featured Dave Grohl, Bruce Springsteen, Eminem and others, but this is where it’s at if you’re a fan of metal. I have their set for you below, so check it out and bang those heads.

I honestly didn’t think that I would be starting the Single Of The Week posts for this blog with Atreyu since the band had disbanded in 2011 with most or all members seeking work in side projects. Now the band is back and they have a brand new song that fans can download from their website as long as they sign up for their newsletter. The song is called So Others May Live and vocalist Alex Varkatzas explains the track saying, “So Others May Live’ is inspired by one of my best friends, who is ex-military. The things our troops go through to protect us are pretty unreal. Their treatment after leaves a lot to be desired, as well.” He goes on to say, “The song honors them and condemns our government’s constant deployment of these brave souls. The people who fight and die for us often come from a certain socio-economic background — the working class. The people making these decisions send our nation’s children to war come from positions of privilege and wealth. Their kids aren’t the ones getting deployed and they aren’t risking their lives every day at work. Yet they order the working class to go ‘keep us safe’ at the drop of a hat, it feels like. It’s bulls–t. It’s the politicians and the rich of this country waging war to keep the majority pre-occupied, so they can make money and advance their bulls–t political agendas. The expense is ‘expendable’ working class/poor Americans’ lives, never the rich.” The track is heavy, it’s in your face, and it features some cool grooves from the rhythm section of the band. It’s a great return to form for Atreyu and fans should be pleased. Check out the track below and if you want to download it, click here