Posts Tagged ‘Warm Bodies’

Of course here is your third and last Music video of the week, but I chose this one fo a couple of reasons. One reason is because I am a huge fan of Death Valley High and the second reason is because the video is cool as hell and it helps us celebrate the great holiday known as Halloween. The band recently released the music video for their track Warm Bodies which is off their album CVLT [AS FVK]. The video starts with a couple looking for a certain place when a man known as Happy gives them a drug to take which ends up turning them into zombies except for the girl. She’s then running away from all the madness that ensues. I do want to remind people though that the video may be NSFW (not safe for work) so viewer discretion is advised. The band is not currently on tour , but if they do announce any, you can check out where by going here. Otherwise check out their video below and pick up their album cause it’s sick.

lucy-hd-wallpaperFor this week’s Ass Whoopin Wednesday film, we wanted to showcase how women can be just as badass as the men. I chose a film that stars Scarlet Johansson (The Avengers) in the film Lucy. Scarlet plays the title character who is a timid, naive woman who thanks to her new boyfriend is caught in a very dark drug deal. Lucy is to transport some new synthetic drug inside her abdomen, but after the contents break loose inside her, she starts to change. Lucy starts to gain complete control of all her senses, cells, and the people around her so she decides to turn the tables on the dealers who put her in this situation in the first place.  The film also stars Morgan Freeman (The Shawshank Redemption) as Professor Norman, Min-shik Choi (Oldboy) as Mr. Jang, Amr Waked (Syriana) as Pierre Del Rio, Julian Rhind-Tutt (Rush) as The Limey, Pilou Asbæk (R) as Richard, Analeigh Tipton (Warm Bodies) as Caroline, Mason Lee (The Hangover II) as Regent Hotel Concierge #2, and the film was directed by Luc Besson (The Professional). Before we get into the review of the film, let’s check out some stats from the film:

Lucy Stats










lucy-2014-movieAs far as the stats are concerned for Lucy, she has a total of 32 kills/knockouts and they are some pretty creative ways to kick people’s asses. She doesn’t really have an origin story to speak of other than I believe she is a student living in Taiwan. We find out in the beginning that Richard is her boyfriend so it safe to say she has a love interest and he is killed right away so that answers the next question. The big boss is defeated, but it’s not by Lucy so you’ll have to see how it happens. She has some pretty badass abilities after the drugs inject into her system and as she starts using more of her brain capacity. She can see through walls, she can create force fields, and telepathically move people. It was definitely a cool attempt at creating a different kind of Sci-Fi/Action/Thriller from a great director like Luc Besson. One of the things I liked about the film was in the beginning with the images that flashed on the screen. Richard is trying to get Lucy to deliver the package for him and as she starts to think about, you see an image of a mouse taking the bait which is cheese. After she enters the building, Mr. Jang’s people are all of sudden represented by images of a pack of Cheetahs closing in on their kill as the men start to approach. I thought that was pretty cool and the idea of what a human can do with so much control of brain capacity is actually a fascinating idea because we do wonder these things. It wasn’t film of the year material, but it was an interesting watch for sure. I am going to give the film 3.5 fists out of five for a final grade cause Scarlet Johannson is a bad ass just watch The Avengers films.

X-Men_Days_of_Future_Past_posterThis is something new that we re going to try and attempt to do for boring Sundays and it’s called Super Sunday. On Super Sunday, we will review a different superhero film no matter if it’s attached to DC Comics or Marvel Comics or maybe it’s one outside of the system like The Watchman. For the first Super Sunday post, I wanted to start off with the latest film in the ever expanding X-Men series entitled X-Men: Days Of Future Past which sees our favorite team of mutants in the greatest battle of their lives. In this film, all mutants backs are against the wall thanks to the Sentinels, robots that were created to eradicate the world of all mutants. The only problem is that the Sentinels are eliminating humans as well as mutants and the X-Men along with Magneto (Ian McKellen) are desperate for a solution. Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page) has the ability to send mutants back in time and so the X-Men send Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) back in time to stop an event in hopes that it will desperately change the future. The film stars James McAvoy (Trance) as Xavier, Michael Fassbender (Inglorious Basterds) as Erik, Jennifer Lawrence (American Hustle) as Raven/Mystique, Nicholas Hoult (Warm Bodies) as Hank/Beast, Peter Dinklage (Game Of Thrones) as Dr. Trask, Daniel Cudmore (Twilight Saga: New Moon) as Colossus, Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: The Next Generation) as Professor Xavier, Josh Helman (Jack Reacher) as Major Bill Stryker, and the film featured the return of Bryan Singer as the director.

maxresdefaultThere are no other words that I can think of to best describe how I felt about this film other than the fact that I thought it was awesome and epic. This is definitely one of my favorite films in the whole entire series because it has everything you would want from one of these films from the drama, suspense, and a crap ton of action that is non stop. It was definitely weird seeing a lot of the characters die in the film multiple times because you would like to think they are invincible, but quite sadly their not. It was also cool to see them mix the old with the new when old Xavier confronts young Xavier in hopes to get hi to change his mind since he was a lost soul in the 1970’s. The cinematography in the film is amazing and of course the CGI is up to par in the film as well as the acting is as superb as it always is within the series. The writing for the film is what is truly amazing because they were able to create a monster story and everything worked and it was executed superbly. Maybe, we can credit the return of Bryan Singer as the reason for all of that or maybe it’s a combination of all the elements involved in the making of the film. What we now know is that Fox is gearing up to prepare us for X-Men: Apocalypse which is the next film before they give the rights back to Marvel, I can see why Marvel wants all their films back from the major companies, but Fox has done a pretty good job so far with the X-Men. I am going to give the film an A- for a final grade because it was a step back in the right direction for Fox and Marvel.