Posts Tagged ‘Carolina Panthers’

music-bowl-51It must be a blessing and a curse to be in the MusicBowl because this is the third one that we have done and it seems to me that whoever has won this has lost the SuperBowl. Last year, Corrosion Of Conformity won MusicBowl 50, but the Carolina Panthers lost SuperBowl 50. This year in record breaking numbers, Sevendust won MusicBowl 51 by getting 89% of the vote which was beating your opponent (Godsmack) by 142 votes total. Maybe it’s the curse of the MusicBowl that has happened or maybe the Russians interfered in the game which is why they lost. No matter the reason for it, Sevendust is your MusicBowl 51 winners and what that means is that I am going to cover a Sevendust record for the album of the week. So stay tuned for that when it comes, but for now enjoy this win.


b-mco-chris-vs-chris_nvy1Listen, I know I am not crazy and I also know that the next Superbowl (which is Superbowl LI) isn’t going to happen for another 274 days (from todays date May 7TH), but there were just too many factors that played a part in me thinking about it. First of all, this weekend saw the official release of Captain America: Civil War (read review here) into theaters and it also happens to be Free Comic Book Day which saw the release of Civil War II as well as a Captain America comic. So with all of this in my face constantly, it made me remember a bet that was waged during SuperBowl 49 between Chris Evans (Captain America) and Chris Pratt (Star Lord) an they called it Superhero Bowl 49 as Pratt was a Seattle Seahawks fan and Evans a New England Patriots fan. I don’t know why one wasn’t down for last years SuperBowl, but I would love to see it return once again. They made an incredible T-Shirt with proceeds going to charity and they dressed in character for each other’s charities. It was all fun and it was for great causes.

marvel_cinematic_universe_timeline_by_darkmudkip6-d9jhxzl copySo, I thought of a list of teams that I would love to see make the next SuperBowl in hopes that there is an actor from that city that plays a Marvel character. Anthony Mackie, the man who plays Falcon represents The New Orleans Saints. Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Scarlet Johansson (Black Widow), and Paul Rudd (Ant-Man) all can represent whatever team from the New York/New Jersey area (Jets or Giants). Don Cheadle who plays War Machine represents the Kansas City Chiefs while Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) could represent either the Oakland Raiders or the San Francisco 49ERS (depending on his preference). Chadwick Boseman is from South Carolina so it would be interesting to see what team he picks whether it be Carolina or any of the teams near by. If we go beyond the film, there’s Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) who can represent the Green Bay Packers and Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) and Dave Bautista (Drax) could represent the Washington Redskins. Vin Diesel who plays Groot could also represent either Oakland or San Fran while Bradley Cooper (Rocket Raccoon) could represent the Philadelphia Eagles. If we go into the television universe of Marvel, Jon Bernthal (The Punisher) could represent the Washington Redskins while Kristen Ritter (Jessica Jones) could represent either the Eagles or the Pittsburgh Steelers (depending on her preference). Meanwhile Mike Colter (Luke Cage) is just like Chadwick Boseman where it depends on his preference as he is also from South Carolina. So, keep all of these options in mind once the football season starts and hopefully they bring back Superhero Bowl once again.


Music Bowl 50 MatchupThe Denver Broncos may have been the big winners of Superbowl 50, but it was a completely different story for Musicbowl 50. This year was the first time that we pinned two bands to represent the two team in the Superbowl. For the Denver Broncos, we had power metal legends Jag Panzer who hail from Colorado Springs. For the Carolina Panthers, we had Stoner Metal/Crossover Thrash legends Corrosion Of Conformity who hailed from Raleigh, North Carolina. We left it up to you the fans to decide who was going to win by voting and after waiting until the 4TH quarter to look to see who won Musicbowl 50, you gave the win to Corrosion Of Conformity. With that win, I am going to review an album from the band for the album of the week as part of winning it all. So, once again, congratulations to Corrosion Of Conformity on winning Musicbowl 50.

musicbowl 50 winners


Music Bowl 50 MatchupThis is the second time that we are doing the Musicbowl here on Moshpits and Movies, but we just call it Musicbowl 50 to go along with the Superbowl. Superbowl 50 is tonight which means that the Carolina Panthers are taking on the Denver Broncos with one team hoping to taste glory for the first time while the other wants to be on top of the mountain one more time. For this years edition of Musicbowl 50, we are changing it up a little by selecting a band from each teams area. We are pinning them together and you will vote as to who the winner of Musicbowl 50 is going to be. On one end, we have a legendary southern metal/crossover thrash/stoner metal band from Raleigh, North Carolina in Corrosion Of Conformity. In the other corner we have a legendary power metal outfit from Colorado Springs, Colorado in Jag Panzer. Both bands have been around for a very long time, but only one can be winner of Musicbowl 50. Both of the bands have endured lineup changes over the years, but both have spawned some legendary guitarist like Pepper Kennan (C.O.C.) and Chris Broderick (ex-Jag Panzer, ex-Megadeth). Who are you going to vote for? You have until the start of the 4th quarter of the Superbowl game to decide.