Posts Tagged ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

jimi 2It has been a while since the last time I did a Based On A Truesday Story (play on the words true and Tuesday) film for all of you and for years I have been waiting for this film to come out. I had heard for years that there was going to be a film on the legendary Jimi Hendrix and that Andre Benjamin (Outkast) was going to play him in the film. Well in 2013, they released the biopic Jimi: All Is By My Side which showcases the years from the day he was discovered by Linda Keith (Imogen Poots) who was Keith Richards (Ashley Charles) girlfriend, in a club in New York to his time in London where he cut his teeth with the Experience. It also touches heavily on the subject of his relationship with Kathy Etchingham (Hayley Atwell) which was both hot and controversial as well. The film also stars Andrew Buckley (Skeletons) as Chas Chandler of The Animals who went on to manage Jimi, Robbie Jarvis (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) as Andrew Loog Oldham, Burn Gorman (The Dark Knight Rises) as Michael Jeffery, Danny McColgan (Deadbook) as Eric Clapton, Oliver Bennett as Noel Redding, Tom Dunlea as Mitch Mitchell, Ger Duffy (Love/Hate) as Paul McCartney, and the film was written and directed by John Ridley (Undercover Brother). 

jimiKathy Etchingham whose relationship with Jimi Hendrix the film was primarily based off of has said the depiction of the film was “absolute nonsense” and she even had a quote on Jimi. The quote read, “I want him to be remembered for what he was – not this tragic figure he has been turned into by nit-pickers and people who used to stalk us and collect photographs and ‘evidence’ of what we were doing on a certain day. He could be grumpy, and he could be terrible in the studio, getting exactly what he wanted – but he was fun, he was charming. I want people to remember the man I knew.” The one problem that I have with the film is that for the whole entire film, you do not get to see Jimi Hendrix sing, it’s as if he is an instrumentalist. The only time you actually get to see him play and sing is a cover of a Beatles song towards the end of the film. That was kind of an aggravating thing for me during the film. Otherwise, I thought the film was kind of good insight into how things happened and we get to see what Jimi was like and let me say that Miss Hayley Atwell looked absolutely fabulous in the film. One thing that they claim int he film is that Eric Clapton bitched out of jamming with Jimi when he saw how good he was. How much of any of this is 100% true, I do not exactly know hence the reason they say Based On A True Story and why my post is called Based On A Truesday Story. I definitely suggest checking it out to see what influenced Jimi and the various interactions he had plus Andre Benjamin does a phenomenal job acting wise. I am going to give the film a B+ for a final grade only because of the singing issue I had.

Zombeavers 3There are some titles that you see online that you just can’t pass up especially when one of your posts is called Cheeseball Cinema. The minute I saw a post on Facebook about Zombeavers, I immediately knew that this was a film that was going to end up being a Cheeseball Cinema post. Three sorority sisters are on their way to the country side for a boys free weekend getaway. You see Jenn (Lexi Atkins) found out that her boyfriend cheated on her so Mary (Rachel Melvin) and Zoe (Cortney Palm) decide to take her out without any distractions until the boyfriends show up anyways. The only problem with it all is they din’t realize some toxic waste was dumped onto a beaver dam turning all of the beavers at the lake in zombie beavers. Now, they’ll have to try their best to escape the country side before they get eaten alive by beavers. The film also stars Hutch Dano (Ramona And Beezus) as Sam, Jake Weary (It Follows) as Tommy, Peter Gilroy (The Wedding Ringer) as Buck, Rex Linn (Cliffhanger) as Smyth, Brent Briscoe (The Dark Knight Rises) as Winston, Bill Burr (The Heat) as Joseph, John Mayer (Get Hard) as Luke, Robert R Shafer (Psycho Cop) as the trucker, and the film was directed by Jordan Rubin (Crank Yankers).

zombeavers 4Can I just tell you how fantastically cheesy this film really is because I frigging loved it. This may be the new Sharknado unless they never make another Zombeavers ever again which would be a shame cause everyone jumps on the idea of making sequels. The film for some reason does not follow the typical rules of horror flicks where there is the slutty girl, the girl with a crushing secret, and the hurt/good girl. Now using your own better judgment and given the amount of research available, who lives and who dies? Nine times out of ten I am right on the money of who lives and who dies, but this film will fool you and that was a pleasant surprise. As far as T&A is concerned, there is one whole scene where Zoe is topless for a good amount of time, but other than that there is no more T&A for you b-movie fans. I have to also say that the acting isn’t that bad, just some of the writing was cheesy and that is forgivable at times. No the beavers itself were a little cheesy as you could tell that they were animatronics, but that is another part that just makes it more fun. All I am going to say is check out what happens to the humans when they are bitten by zombie beavers and Bill Burr’s cameo with Jon Mayer is excellent. On a scale of one being close to an A-List Hollywood film and five being the cheesiest film of all time I am going to give this film a 3.5 for a final grade. The movie is available on Netflix as we speak so go and check it out.

Dirty GirlI am starting to figure out that I am a huge fan of Juno Temple and her work whether it be Killer Joe, Horns, Maleficent, or in the film that I chose for today’s Filmfest Friday flick. The film I chose for today is 2010’s Dirty Girl which pins Juno Temple as the overly sexual, fatherless, and lost girl Danielle. Danielle is lost because she is doing all the wrong things that end up finding her being sent down to a special classroom with the “special kids” or as it would be called Study Skills in some states.There she is forced to partner with Clarke (Jeremy Dozier) who is a boy just screaming to come out of the closet, but is scared to be himself for fear of what his father may do. With the help of Clarke, Danielle finally discovers who her real father is and the two will set out on a road trip to California so that Danielle can reunite with her father. Hopefully on the trip, Clarke can find what he is looking for as well because he is also on a personal journey. The film also stars Milla Jovovich (Dazed And Confused) as Danielle’s mother Sue Ann, Mary Steenburgen (What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?) as Clarke’s mother Peggy, Dwight Yoakam (Sling Blade) as Clarke’s father Joseph, Brent Briscoe (The Dark Knight Rises) as Officer Perry, William H. Macy (Boogie Nights) as Ray, Nicholas D’Agosto (Fired Up) as Joel, Tim McGraw (The Blind Side) as Danny, and the film was directed by Abe Sylvia (Nurse Jackie). 

dirty girl 2When watching this film, you have to remember what times must have been like in Norman, Oklahoma circa 1987 and it all makes sense that someone would treat Clarke the way his father treats him. Fathers must have believed that it was a mental disease that could be cured and hence is the reason our society was so backwards for such a long time. Even though Danielle is on a journey to find her father, she is also on a journey to self discovery because Clarke is the most enlightened one of the duo. Clarke is the one that is most accepting of people while Danielle is much like her society, but she is willing to accept him because she feels they are misfits. Throughout this whole journey, Danielle wakes up and grows up right before your eyes, but she couldn’t have done it without Clarke as he is the agent of change much like John Candy’s character in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is to Steve Martin’s character hence the reason it’s a coming of age story. This is an amazing film that every one should check out because it’s well written and well acted and it features a great cast as well. The film debuted back in September of 2010 at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) and it’s available to watch on Netflix as we speak. I am going to give the film an A for a final grade because it was enjoyable to watch.

Mad-Max-Fury-Road-lovely-dayAll roads for the last weeks led up to this point as we counted down the days from the very first Mad Max film all the way to the new Mad Max: Fury Road film. In this film, Tom Hardy takes over the reigns of the character Mad Max as he continues to travel through the wastelands of what is left of post-apocalyptic Earth. This time Max is captured by war crazy warlords and used for the type of blood he has to refuel the warboys (fighters for their leader). While on a supposed mission to gasoline town, Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) steals the evil warlord Immortan Joe’s (Hugh Keays-Byrne) women in an attempt to bring them to safety. The only problem is that if she wants to bring them to safety, she’ll need all the help she can get including Max. The film also stars Zoë Kravitz (Divergent) as Toast The Knowing, Nicholas Hoult (X-Men: Days Of Future Past) as Nux, Josh Helman (Jack Reacher) as Slit, Nathan Jones (Fearless) as Rictus Erectus, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (Transformers: Dark Of The Moon) as The Splendid Angharad, Riley Keough (The Runaways) as Capable, Courtney Eaton in her first role as Cheedo the Fragile, John Howard (Young Einstein) as The People Eater, and the film was directed by the legendary George Miller. Before we get into the review, let’s check out some stats. 

Mad Max Fury Road Stats copy











immortan joe toecutter

Hugh Keays-Byrne as Immortan Joe/Toecutter

I am just going to warn you right now that there are going to be some spoiler alerts in this paragraph so if you don’t want to know any of this info then stop reading. I did not realize going into this film that the original villain in the first Mad Max film in 1979 by the name of Toecutter was the villain in this film by the name of Immortan Joe. I have to say that Hugh Keays-Byrne put on great performances in both films, but this one he bumped up a notch playing a villain that was a typical totalitarian dictator. He is a man that has been in power of a society for so long because he held the keys to what the society needed and therefore he controlled them even to a point where he can’t breathe on his own, but it doesn’t matter because there are people in places of the society that help keep the facade alive and soldiers willing to die for him in exchange for immortality in the afterlife. Wow, this sounds kind of familiar doesn’t it? Immortan Joe is a symbol of where our society is today as we are constantly in battle with a region of the world who has minions that are willing to die for the belief of what comes in the afterlife. Immortan Joes society even matches that of the middle east where women are not important, but they are merely just breeders of future soldiers who will die for the cause. That is about as far as I’ll go in the article talking about the real life similarities.

MadMax_FR_I definitely want to get into the review of the film because that is what is truly important as well as pointing out some of the Easter eggs that I noticed in the film. You definitely knew that there were going to be a lot more kills in this film than any of the the three previous films in the series and I was hoping for that in a way. In the original three films, Mel Gibson’s Mad Max compiles a total of 40 kills/knockouts (with the most coming in The Road Warrior) while Tom Hardy’s Mad Max gets a total of 26 in one film. As usual in the last two of the original three films and in this one, there is no origin story and no love interest at all as well as no close friend hurt. The big boss is definitely defeated and all order is restored. Now as far as the Easter Eggs that I noticed from the film like the interceptor that he has for a total of five minutes or so in the film, gasoline town from the second film, and I could have sworn to see master blaster in this film, but the Master  wasn’t sitting on a chair strapped to the back of him. One other thing that I noticed in the film was a little trinket that Zoë Kravitz is playing with in the truck looks identical to the one that Max is playing with in The Road Warrior that he gives to the wild boomerang kid. One thing that I do have to say about this film is that while Tom Hardy put on an exceptional performance, I felt the real star of the film was Charlize Theron. She put on not only a bad ass performance, but she put on the performance of a lifetime in this film. She definitely held her own with this generations next big thing in Tom Hardy. The film has everything you could ever want from a Mad Max film from non stop action, over the top characters and costumes, and even the drama that comes along. This is a definite candidate for Bad Ass Movie Of The Year and it may just be the winner as well. I a going to give the film five fists out of five for a final grade.

suicide squadSome big news for fans of DC Comics and the highly anticipated David Ayer directed Suicide Squad project was released yesterday that will surely leave mixed emotions across the scope. Jared Leto, the Oscar winning actor (for Dallas Buyers Club) has officially signed on to play The Joker in the new Suicide Squad film while Will Smith (Men In Black, Independence Day) has signed on to play Deadshot. Both of them are going to be joined by Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises) who plays Rick Flagg and Margot Robbie (The Wolf Of Wall Street) who plays Harley Quinn. Those are the big names that are attached to the film, but they are joined by lesser known actors Jai Courtney (Divergent) who will play Captain Boomerang and supermodel Cara Delevingne will play Enchantress. The group have begun pre-production on the film and it’s set to film in and around Toronto from April to about September.

david_ayerWarner Bros. Studios worldwide production boss Greg Sullivan had this to say in a statement regarding the film, “The Warner Bros. roots are deep on this one. David Ayer returns to the studio where he wrote ‘Training Day’ and brings his incredible ability to craft multidimensional villains to this iconic DC property with a cast of longtime Warner collaborators Will Smith and Tom Hardy, and other new and returning favorites.” Apparently, the studio is still looking for someone to play the pivotal role of Amanda Waller, the woman in charge and responsible for the Suicide Squad, but all signs are pointing to Viola Davis (How To Get Away With Murder) potentially having the role. Also, there is a good possibility that Jesse Eisenberg could be joining the cast to reprise his role as Lex Luthor after having shot Superman V. Batman. The film has a theatrical release date of August 5, 2016.

Van Damme Kickboxer 1In other news, Kickboxer the remake apparently has it’s final star to get the cameras rolling. This is one of those films that I truly believe doesn’t need a remake because the first was so classic, but Hollywood calls the shots and this one is moving ahead with Jean Claude Van Damme, “The Muscles From Brussels”, is returning for the remake of the film, but not to take the role you think he is. Dennis Chan played the role of Xian Chow in the original Kickboxer film, but now Jean Claude is going to be playing him in the new film as he mentors Alain Moussi (White House Down) who now plays the role of Kurt Sloane to take on Tong Po who will now be played by WWE Superstar Dave Bautista (Guardians Of The Galaxy). They are also joined by George St. Pierre, Sam Medina, and T.J. Storm. According to The Hollywood Reporter Producer Ted Fields commented on JCVD joining the cast, “We are so excited to have Kickboxer roll into production and to have JCVD in the role of Master Chow, passing the torch to Alain, to have him lead the franchise to a new generation.” Tony Jaa was originally supposed to play the part of Master Chow, but due to scheduling conflicts, he had to drop out of the film.

It’s almost the end of 2014 which means that the best of lists are going to start rolling out and people re going to be thinking of what rocked or what sucked about 2014. Well, Mr. Skin has a list of his own that he is sharing with the whole world which is the top 10 nude scenes of 2014 and here is the list courtesy of Mr. Skin:


Alexandra Daddario

1. Alexandra Daddario in True Detective. “Alexandra wasn’t on anyone’s radar a year ago, but thanks to her fully nude debut- including some lip-smacking lower frontal…” Wow, I didn’t think I could be nauseous while picturing Alexandra D’addario, thanks, Mr. Skin.
2. Scarlett Johansson in Under the Skin. “It was the nude debut everyone was waiting for, and absolutely no one thought it would end up being as spec-rack-ular as it was!”
3. Eva Green in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For; Eva Green in 300: Rise Of An Empire. “That topless turn caused more than an empire to rise!”; “Eva is certainly a dame to spill for!”
4. Stacy Martin in Nymphomaniac. “Our diagnosis is that Stacy is a Skinphomaniac!”
5. Olivia Wilde in Third Person. “Olivia attempts to seduce a married Liam Neeson by dropping her towel and showing off her glorious hoots and glutes! Hey, it’s not like her name is Olivia Mild!”
6. Lizzy Caplan in Masters of Sex. “Playing one half of the sex research team Masters and Johnson, Lizzy was tireless in showing T&A for science. It’ll have you Mastering your Johnson!”
7. Keri Russell in The Americans. “Check and see if Keri Russell’d up something in your pants!”
8. Nathalie Emmanuel in Game of Thrones. “Looks like she’s a member of House Stark… Stark Naked!”
9. Shailene Woodley in White Bird in a Blizzard. “Baring her beauties for the second time in as many years, Shailene showed off her sensational sweater pups while getting busy all over the house! Ms. Woodley always manages to give us a woody!”
10. Cameron Diaz in Sex Tape. “Once it was uploaded to the cloud, it was downloaded to guy’s hard drives all across the land!”

The final part of the voting process which involves one of my other favorite categories which is film. Everything from Remake of the year, superhero movie of the year, and I have also fit in the the TV show of the year as well for you guys to vote on. Like I have said in the other posts, you have until May 4TH as the winners will be announced on May 5, 2013. As always have fun and enjoy!!!