Posts Tagged ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’

TheBoy_2016-OfficialPosterI recently saw that my local Redbox had Brahms: The Boy II and I wanted to check it out, but there is just one problem with that. How can you watch a sequel when you’ve never seen the first film in the series? I did that with a different series and I had no idea about any of the references so for today I thought it would be a smart choice to see 2016’s The Boy which was directed by William Brent Bell (The Devil Inside). The film stars Lauren Cohan (Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice) as Greta Evans, an American Nanny that travels to England to take care of a child to a very wealthy family. The only problem is that when she gets there, she finds out that the boy she is watching is a life size doll named Brahms as well as a set of rules that she has to follow. As soon as she breaks a couple of the rules, weird things begin to happen in the house that she believes that Brahms is alive somehow, but there’s a dark secret that she doesn’t know. The film also stars Rupert Evans (Hellboy) as Malcolm, Jim Norton (The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas) as Mr. Heelshire, Diana Hardcastle (The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) as Mrs. Heelshire, Ben Robson (Hard To Lose) as Cole, and James Russell (Red Dead Redemption II) as Brahms Heelshire.

theboySpoiler Alert: There may be some information in this paragraph that could spoil the film. So proceed with caution. So I was totally expecting the film to go one way with how they were going to explain Brahm, but as soon as it happens I’m like oh that makes sense. We are all thinking that this is some supernatural ghost story about a boy who died in a fire only to be placed in the body of a doll. I mean were you expecting him to be Chucky or even Annabelle? So, when he smashes the doll, I was like the ghost is going to show up, but then the real Brahm appeared and I was OK with that because they didn’t do what I thought they would have. I definitely enjoyed the fact that they had a small cast for the film because you didn’t need much for the type of story that it was. Lauren Cohan had to do a lot of work as she at points of the film is the only actress on screen and she does it well. This isn’t the greatest horror film ever made because there was no real suspense and no real jump scare scenes. It was more of trying to spook you out of the unknown and I think that works, but you need real suspense. That is my only criticism of the writing and the direction, but this was still a good flick to watch on Netflix as we speak. So, I am going to go ahead and give this one an B for a final grade.

Last year, I had looked forward to seeing a film that featured one of my all time favorite wrestlers in the one and only CM Punk a.k.a. Phil Brooks. The only problem is that it wasn’t made available for me to watch in time for last years Eddie’s 31 Days Of Halloween, but thanks to Netlfix 2019’s The Girl On The Third Floor was there and I chose it for today. The film stars Brooks as Don Koch, a guy who has made a lot of mistakes in life is looking forward to making it up to his pregnant wife by fixing up a house that they had just bought in the suburbs. The only problem is that a mysterious woman comes by and things begin to go crazy for Don in the house because the house has other plans for him. The film also stars Trieste Kelly Dunn (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) as Liz Koch, Sarah Brooks (I’m Still Here) as Sarah Yates, Elissa Dowling (Ghost Of Camp Blood) as Sadie, Karen Woditsch (Bad Johnson) as Ellie Mueller, Travis Delgado (2 In The Bush: A Love Story) as Milo Stone, Marshall Bean (Dead Meat) as Geary McCabe, Anish Jethmalani (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice) as Attorney Manny Bharara, Tonya Kay (Fight To The Finish) as The Nymph, and the movie was directed by Travis Stevens (Busters Mal Heart).

I know what all of you are wondering and it’s the inevitable question of how good or how bad was this film? The film has an 84% on Rotten Tomatoes and it be a deserved grade from all the critics because it was actually a real good idea and it was actually a pretty decent film. I thought that CM Punk lived up tot he expectations as best as he possible could and he carried the film very well. I know a lot of people were probably looking for him to fail in this film,but he does the opposite of that as he holds his own very well and he adds a certain swagger to the role as well. I loved the overall aesthetics of the film and that has to do with the special effects which helped create this creepy factor from the stuff that oozes out of the wall to the Nymph which was a creepy looking character to begin with as well. They made the house seem alive like it was a character as well and you have to love the marble scenes as well cause it adds to it and you’ll understand what it means at one point in the film. Sarah Brooks deserves a lot of credit for this film because she did an amazing job playing opposite CM Punk and playing the antagonist for the film. She did it with her sexiness as she used sex as a weapon to lure Don into her trap. I definitely think it’s worth a watch and it’s available on Netflix right now. I am going to give the film an B for a final grade.

2017-sleepless-bannerIt’s Wednesday which can only mean one thing for all our readers out there and that is it’s Ass Whoopin Wednesday. The film I chose for today I had been putting off for a while, but I wanted to have a film that featured the amazing Jamie Foxx (Baby Driver). So, I decided that it was time to hit my local Redbox and I rented Sleepless which came out back in January of 2017. Jamie plays Vincent Downs, a cop who is undercover playing the game so that he can figure out the snake at the top of the mountain. The only problem is that he is now in some deep water because a job that he and his partner Sean (Tip ‘T.I.’ Harris) try to pull off is about to backfire. You see they rob some drugs from a very bad man in Nevada and they have kidnapped Vincent’s son. They won’t give him back until Vincent returns what is rightfully theirs. The film also stars Michelle Monaghan (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) as Bryant, Scoot McNairy (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice) as Novak, Dermot Mulroney (My Best Friend’s Wedding) as Rubino, David Harbour (Stranger Things) as Dennison, Gabrielle Union (Bad Boys II) as Dena, Octavius J. Johnson (Ray Donovan) as Thomas, and the film was directed by Baran bo Odar (Who Am I). Before we get into the review of the film, let’s check out some stats:

sleepless Statshero_Sleepless-2017As far as the stats are concerned, there very low, but I will explain all of that in a bit. Jamie Foxx had about nine kills in the film which is low, but he has to give an assist to his son and his wife who both killed a dude. I don’t want to give away too much about who he really is because that is part of the mystery which is why I put sorta as the answer to origin story. I mean other than the secret, we don’t know much about him or his past. I believe that his character is still married to his wife even though she is wearing an engagement ring and his son is kidnapped which answers the next one. The big boss is defeated, but you’ll have to watch the film to find out how. The biggest misconception you can make when choosing to watch this film is believe that it’s just a Taken type action film where his son is taken and now he’s going after them. That is partly correct, but it’s much more than that as you’ll find out when watching the film. The film mixes in the whole dirty cop things so you’re trying to figure out f Jamie is dirty or if someone else is with it’s The Departed type ending. I think that David Harbour is awesome as is Jamie Foxx, but I’m not sure I’m 100% sold on Michelle Monaghan as a fierce, tougher than nails internal affairs cop who is a bad ass. You’ll have to judge that for yourself, but this is a pretty decent film. It’s got some cool action when it needs to and some cool characters, but it can go all over the place at times. I am going to give the film 3.7 fists out of five for a final grade.

sixth-annual-monster-entertainment-awardsIt’s that time of the year, it’s award season which can only mean one thing and that the Sixth Annual Monster Entertainment Awards is here. We have the usual categories for you guys like Bad Ass Movie Of The Year, Album Of The Year, Horror Film Of The Year, but we also have some new ones for you guys this year. We have new categories like Netflix Show Of The Year, Metal Music Video Of The Year, Rock Music Video Of The Year, Metal Single Of The Year, and Rock Single Of The Year to name a few. This year is definitely going to be better than ever and once again we are also teaming up with Mr. X’s Punchout Blog where they have Male and Female Wrestler Of The Year as well as some new ones like Match Of The Year and many more. The beautiful part of these awards is that you the fans get to pick who you want to win each category as always and that is what is beautiful cause your voice will be heard and it won’t be hacked by Russians cause Archer is on the case. What we have for you right here is the movie side of the awards so check out all the categories, vote wisely, and you have until January 29TH to do so.

Sixth Annual Monster Entertainment Awards: The Nominees

Posted: January 10, 2017 in Awards
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sixth-annual-monster-entertainment-awardsIt’s that time of the year, it’s award season which can only mean one thing and that the Sixth Annual Monster Entertainment Awards is here. We have the usual categories for you guys like Bad Ass Movie Of The Year, Album Of The Year, Horror Film Of The Year, but we also have some new ones for you guys this year. We have new categories like Netflix Show Of The Year, Metal Music Video Of The Year, Rock Music Video Of The Year, Metal Single Of The Year, and Rock Single Of The Year to name a few. This year is definitely going to be better than ever and once again we are also teaming up with Mr. X’s Punchout Blog where they have Male and Female Wrestler Of The Year as well as some new ones like Match Of The Year and many more. The beautiful part of these awards is that you the fans get to pick who you want to win each category as always and that is what is beautiful cause your voice will be heard and it won’t be hacked by Russians cause Archer is on the case. So, here are all the nominees for the Sixth Annual Monster Entertainment Awards:

The Music Side:

Album Of The Year

1. Starboy by The Weeknd

2. The Getaway by Red Hot Chili Peppers

3. Post Pop Depression by Iggy Pop

4. Hardwired… To Self Destruct by Metallica

5. Blackstar by David Bowie

6. Joanne by Lady Gaga

Rock Album Of The Year

1. Gore by Deftones

2. The Last Hero by Alter Bridge

3. Aggressive by Beartooth

4. Bad Vibrations by A Day To Remember

5. The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser by Rob Zombie

6. Unleashed by Skillet

Metal Album Of The Year

1. Hardwired… To Self Destruct by Metallica

2. Dystopia by Megadeth

3. The Stage by Avenged Sevenfold

4. Incarnate by Killswitch Engage

5. For All Kings by Anthrax

6. Transcendence by Devin Townsend Project

Extreme Metal Album Of The Year

1. King by Fleshgod Apocalypse

2. Varahtelija by Oranssi Pazuzu

3. Wildfire by Destroyer 666

4. Terminal Redux by Vektor

5. Rituals by Rotting Crist

6. In His Majesty’s Infernal Service by Witchery

Rap/Hip Hop Album Of The Year

1. The Life Of Pablo by Kayne West

2.1992 by The Game

3. Untitled Unmastered by Kendrick Lamar

4. Coloring Book by Chance The Rapper

5. Bobby Tarantino by Logic

6. Views by Drake

Metal Music Video Of The Year

1. Square Hammer by Ghost

2. The Black Pot by High On Fire

3. Shadows by Red Fang

4. Pride In Prejudice by Slayer

5. Embers By Lamb Of God

6. Insane by Korn

Rock Music Video Of The Year

1. Breaking Me Down by Escape The Fate

2. This Light I Hold by Memphis May Fire

3. 333 by Against Me!

4. Break Me by One Less Reason

5. A Quick Death In Texas by Clutch

6. A Spider In The Dark by Bobaflex

Rock Single Of The Year

1. Dark Necessities by Red Hot Chili Peppers

2. Bored To Death by Blink-182

3. Prayers/Triangles by Deftones

4. Paranoia by A Day To Remember

5. Sleeping Dogs by Zakk Wylde

6. You Have Come To The Right Place by Sixx AM

Metal Single Of The Year

1. Raise Your Horns by Amon Amarth

2. The Stage by Avenged Sevenfold

3. Blood Eagle Wings by Anthrax

4. Seal The Deal by Volbeat

5. Moth Into Flames by Metallica

6. Stormbending by Devin Townsend Project

Soundtrack Of The Year

1. Deadpool

2. Suicide Squad

3. Ghostbusters

4. Stranger Things Vol. 1

5. Trolls

6. Straight Outta Compton Soundtrack

Tour Of The Year

1. Not In This Lifetime by Guns N Roses

2. Black Sabbath The End Tour

3. Heart/Cheap Trick/Joan Jett

4. AC/DC with Axl Rose

5. Bruce Springsteen

6. Book Of Souls Tour by Iron Maiden

The Movie/TV Side

Movie Of The Year

1. Nocturnal Animals

2. Manchester By The Sea

3. Hell Or Highwater

4. Fences

5. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

6. Deadpool

Horror Film Of The Year

1. Ouija: Origin Of Evil

2. The Conjuring 2

3. Lights Out

4. 10 Cloverfield Lane

5. Don’t Breathe

6. 31

Bad Ass Movie Of The Year

1. Jason Bourne

2. The Accountant

3. Star Trek Beyond

4. Jack Reacher

5. 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers…

6. The Magnificent Seven

Comedy Of The Year

1. Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising

2. Sausage Party

3. Dirty Grandpa

4. Why Him?

5. Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

6. Keanu

Superhero Film Of The Year

1. Deadpool

2. Captain America: Civil War

3. Suicide Squad

4. Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice

5. X-Men: Apocalypse

6. Doctor Strange

Animated Film Of The Year

1. Zootopia

2. Sing

3. Kubo And The Two Strings

4. The Secret Life Of Pets

5. Moana

6. Trolls

Remake Of The Year

1. Ghostbusters

2. Ben Hur

3. The Magnificent Seven

4. Pete’s Dragon

5. Cabin Fever

6. Kickboxer: Vengeance

Cameo Of The Year

1. Bill Murray (Ghostbusters)

2. Keanu Reeves (Keanu)

3. Johnny Depp (Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them)

4. Chris Hemsworth (Doctor Strange)

5. Dolph Lundgren (Hail Caesar!)

6. Sigourney Weaver (Finding Dory)

Netflix Show Of The Year

1. Stranger Things

2. Luke Cage

3. Daredevil

4. Fuller House

5. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

6. BoJack Horseman

Superhero Show Of The Year

1. Daredevil

2. Luke Cage

3. Arrow

4. The Flash

5. Supergirl

6. Gotham

Stand Up Comedy Special Of The Year

1. Hannibal Buress- Comedy Camisado

2. Theo Von- No Offense

3. Iliza Schlesinger- Confirmed Kills

4. Jim Jefferies- Freedumb

5. Russell Peters- Almost Famous

6. Kevin Hart- What Now?




falcon rIt has been quite some time since the last Ass Whoopin Wednesday post that I did and like I promised it would return. Now the question was what film was I going to choose for the return and Falcon Rising caught my eye on Netflix. Michael Jai White (Tyson) stars as John ‘Falcon’ Chapman, a former Marine who is having a hard time adjusting to life after the military. One day after a visit from his sister Cindy (Laila Ali), he finds out that she was brutally beaten almost to death in Brazil. So, John travels down to Brazil to get to the bottom of it, but he’ll have to deal with the corruption that runs wild in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The film also stars Neal McDonough (Captain America: The First Avenger) as Manny Ridley, Lateef Crowder (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice) as Carlo Bororo, Masashi Odate (Letters From Iwo Jima) as Hirimoto, Hazuki Kato (Muppets Most Wanted) as Tomoe, Millie Ruperto (Presumed Dead In Paradise) as Katarina Da’ Silva, Jimmy Navarro (Heroes From Another Land) as Thiago Santo, Daniel Cardona (The Preppie Connection) as Kuka, and the film was directed by Ernie Barbarash (Cube Zero). Before we get into the review of the film, lets check out some stats:

Michael Jai White

falcon risingAlright, lets look at the stats here as Michael Jai White racked up 34 kills/knockouts with an epic fight at the end of the film. The only thing we really know about his past is that he has flashbacks to the time he was in the military and that he has PTSD. That is pretty much all we know which is why I wrote somewhat. He has no love interest in the film, but his sister is practically beaten to death which is good motivation to want to get them back and believe me he gets the job done. I have to be honest and say that while I did enjoy the film, I am so used to White playing the part of a villain rather than the role of a hero. It took a little getting used to because I still think he makes a better villain. The film has some pretty awesome fight scenes in it though like the one towards the end of the film, but there are just times in the film when things get awkward. There is one moment when he is beating the crap out of someone and then all of a sudden they are OK with each other. That is essentially the only thing really wrong about the film other than the liquor store robbery scene which was corny as hell. According to one source, they are apparently working on a sequel to the film and you know me, I’ll probably check it out and post it here. Nevertheless, this isn’t that bad of a film because it is an action film after all. I am going to give the film 3.6 fists out of five for a final grade.