Posts Tagged ‘2015 Pedal To The Metal Tournament’

enemy of godAs I promised last week, I was going to feature an album from the band that won the 2015 Pedal To The Metal Tournament and German Thrash Metal titans Kreator are your champions. So for this week’s album of the week, I chose the album that made me interested in Kreator in the first place in their 2005 record Enemy Of God. I have to be honest with all of you and say that I didn’t know much about the German Thrash Metal scene before my discovery of Kreator one day when I was walking through a record store. I was in search of something new and heavier than what I was listening to because I was sick of hearing the same music all the time. So, I went to the metal section and I discovered this really cool album cover designed by Joachim Luetke and the album title Enemy Of God. I took a chance on the record and I was blown away by it to the point that I needed to hear everything the band had ever created. The band was made up of Miland “Mille” Petrozza (Vocals/Guitars), Sami Yli-Sirniö (Guitar), Christian “Speesy” Giesler (Bass), and Jürgen “Ventor” Reil (drums) as they released their 11TH studio album overall that was produced by the brilliant Andy Sneap via Steamhammer Records.

1. Enemy Of God– The album kicks off the right way with some guitar riffs that are so fast that they rip your face off and it has all the ingredients we love about Thrash Metal. The song’s meaning can be debated, but I think it has something to do with people who use the name of God to further their own personal vendetta for power. 5/5

2. Impossible Brutality– An amazing track that starts with a cool drum beat before the band shifts into overdrive with the fast guitars and double bass mayhem on a track about how terror is everywhere we look in the world. 5/5

enemy of god back cover3. Suicide Terrorist– The meaning of the song is pretty self explanatory on this sledgehammering (no pun intended) track that features elements that remind me of Slayer especially with the use of the whammy bar during the guitar solo. 4/5

4. World Anarchy– The track starts off with the Slayer like scream in the beginning as the band plays at a 1000 MPH. My favorite part of the song comes in the middle of the song as the band has some breakdown fun with the double bass madness thrown in as well. What is cool is the track gets melodic soon after before it returns to the metal fury for the rest of the track 4.5/5

5. Dystopia– If there was a manual on how to play thrash metal, this would definitely be a track on that manual. The track I believe talks about a future where total war is eminent that it has created a dystopian future. 5/5

6. Voices of the Dead– I love the beginning of the track because it’s very melodic and eerie at the same time, but at the end of the day it’s a a bad ass metal song. The song could be about a guy who hears voices from beyond the grave. Very cool track 4/5

7. Murder Fantasies– a fast and furious metal track about a psychotic killer and his murderous wants. 4/5

Kreator Champions8. When Death Takes Its Dominion– The track immediately takes off right where the last track left off and you have to love the mute hand palm riffing with the double bass playing. The track talks about a time when things are going terrible that death will take dominion (total control). 4/5

9. One Evil Comes – A Million Follow– At first glance you may be believe that the track is about a dictator or evil leader, but in my opinion it’s about how sometimes it may seem like one bad thing after another happens and it seems like it can plague our lives. 4/5

10. Dying Race Apocalypse– This may be one of the best tracks on the whole entire record with it’s very melodic intro before the heaviness kicks in on a track that seems to talk of the end of the world. 5/5

11. Under a Total Blackened Sky– Pure metal ferociousness in a track that I believe is talking about that faithful day when the rapture is here.  4/5

12. The Ancient Plague– Its the last track on the album that features a cool guitar intro in a track whose tempo is turned down a little from previous tracks, but never fear cause that is only temporary. This is a cool metal track that could also be talking about the end of the world. 4/5

My Final Thoughts– This album was definitely a gateway album because it definitely made me want to explore what else Kreator had done previous to it. I mean after all their were ten studio albums previous to this one that I had to catch up on. There is a reason why these guys won the pedal to the metal tournament and that is because people still believe in the product that these guys put out and it’s certainly evident in this one. I am going to give this record 4.5 stars out of five for a final grade.

pedalIt is about that time that I announce the results of the championship match between Kreator and Iron Maiden, but I have a few things to say first. I want to start by thanking all the bands that participated in the tournament and the ones who were great sports about it. I also want to thank all of the thousands of you that came out and voted because there are those who will say that it was fixed, but the bottom line is that you showed up and voted and they can’t handle the fact that you didn’t vote for their favorite band. Yes there were matches that I was completely blindsided by when I saw the results, but what I am supposed to do with fans that showed up for their bands? Next, I want to thank any of the bands that shared the statuses every week on their Facebook pages and any where else they shared it because without that, this tournament probably would have been a dud. I knew we were guaranteed a new champion this year when Judas Priest was eliminated in the very first match and Motley Crue getting eliminated in the second round so it was safe to say that I was excited to see who it was going to be. As you all know, it was Iron Maiden, the winners of the heavy metal division taking on the champions of the extreme metal division Kreator in what promised to be a match of epic proportions. It didn’t let us down either as 2,265 votes were casted in the championship match with Kreator owning 1,170 and Iron Maiden having 1,095 making Kreator the 2015 Pedal To The Metal Tournament Champions. So, congratulations are in order to Kreator for winning the championship, they definitely deserved the win.

Kreator Champions

record breakerWhenever one starts a blog, they start in hopes that they’ll find people that are like minded as them or enjoy the same things that they do. You also hope that plenty of the masses will view your blog and that they will respect your opinion and get involved in fun activities that you place for them. Since I started Moshpits and Movies which was the successor to the blog Eddie’s Entertainment, we had some steady views here and there, but I never dreamed we would get the views that we did for the month of March. The views we had on the month of March shattered any previous month by a crap ton. Our best month maybe consisted of 1585 views which is basically nothing and it shot up to 38,499 for the month of March (that is an 2390% increase) and it’s due in large part to our March Madness style tournament The Pedal To The Metal Tournament. I started the Pedal To The Metal Tournament back when I was a senior in college in 2011 because I wanted to try something new and get involved in the March Madness craziness. I just never dreamed after four years, that it would go as crazy as this. I have to thank a couple of bands for helping me out with this and they are Accept and Kreator who are two of the coolest Metal bands on the scene today that are still repping Metal with pride. Without them sharing the status that contained the links, it wouldn’t have been as huge as it was and that is a fact. One day, I would love to interview Kreator and I would love to have the chance to interview Wolf Hoffman once again. I also want to thank everyone who clicked on those links and landed themselves on my blog and participated in the tournament because without you guys, none of this would have worked as well. So, again than you very much for making March a record shattering month. Cool fact, I never had this many views on Eddie’s Entertainment Blog either.

pedalIt s the match that you have all been waiting and voting for since day one in the 2015 Pedal To The Metal Tournament. When I started this tournament back in 2011 while I was doing my radio show, I only dreamed that the tournament would reach the numbers it has today. This year, we are going to crown a new champion because you all voted so that a new champion would be crowned. Motley Crue won the first addition of the tournament and Judas Priest went back to back the next two tournaments after that. Now German Thrash legends and member of The Big Teutonic Four Kreator is looking to win against a tough foe in NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) and power metal legends Iron Maiden. Both of these bands have been going for 30 plus years in the metal world and both have showed no signs of slowing down. Kreator had it’s beginnings in Essen, Germany where they started as Tormentor before changing their name to Kreator as they released their first album Endless Pain and now in 2015 the band is thirteen albums deep with the 2012 bad ass release Phantom Antichrist as the last album to date. Iron Maiden’s road started in the 1970’s when Steve Harris started the band in 1975 in East London. Despite some lineup changes, the band has stayed steadfast in the metal world with their legendary frontman Bruce Dickinson (he joined in 1981) who played on smash records as The Number Of The Beast, Powerslave, Somewhere In Time and so on and so fourth. The rest speaks for itself, but who are you guys going to choose as the next Pedal To The Metal Champions. You have until April 2ND at 4PM ET to decide. (Side Note: I hope everyone votes for whose music they enjoy more and not who is more “Popular” in “Mainstream” terms. This is about the music)

kreator vs iron maiden

Final Four 2015I want to once again take the time to thank everyone who showed up and voted in the final four round and I also want to take the time to thank all of the bands that shared the article because it benefits you as far as getting votes. We had one match that was kind of an odd pairing and another match that was a perfect storm. You had rock icons AC/DC take on power metal and NWOBHM icons Iron Maiden in one match while two titans of thrash in Slayer (representing The Big Four) took on Kreator (representing The Big Teutonic Four). Iron Maiden blazed through AC/DC earning about 60% of the votes making a no contest. Meanwhile in the other match, things were a little bit more closer than the other match, but Kreator beat Slayer 1849 to 985 in total votes. With all of that being said, the finals are now set and this looks to be a clash like no other as Iron Maiden and Kreator both look to earn their first Pedal To The Metal championship. I will have the next round up very soon so that you can all vote and decide who walks away with the crown this year.

Final Four 2015Alright all you metal fans out there, the final four of the 2015 Pedal To The Metal Tournament is finally here and as usual it’s because of you that they are here. With that being said, I want to thank everyone who has participated and voted in the tournament because this is a tournament for you guys where you decide your favorite 80’s Metal band’s fate. The final four matches are set and they are some good ones. In match AC/DC who had to go through Ratt, Motley Crue, and the Scorpions takes on Iron Maiden who beat Manowar, Dio, and Accept to earn a spot in the finals. In the other match, the original member of The Big Four of Thrash in Slayer takes on one of the original members of The Big Teutonic Four in Kreator. Kreator beat out Carcass, Celtic Frost, and Venom to earn a spot in the finals while Slayer went through Exodus, Megadeth, and Testament to be in the final four. The tournament has been interesting to say the least and you metal fans have let your voices be heard loud and clear. You guys have until Monday the 30TH of March at 11:30 AM ET to decide who moves on to the finals for the Pedal To The Metal Championship.

acdc vs iron maiden











slayer vs kreator











pedalIt was the divisional finals and again some drama brewed between the fans, but it was a good kind of drama as everyone showed their support for their favorite bands. We have the results of the Divisional Finals and some may shock you while others really shouldn’t have. In the hard rock/hair metal division, AC/DC had no problem dispatching the Scorpions 111 to 66 to earn their spot in the final four. The Heavy Metal divisional final lived up to the hype as the fans once again showed up in droves and I want to take the time to thank Accept once again for sharing the post on their page. I really appreciate it and it definitely made the contest interesting. Unfortunately, they could beat Iron Maiden in the heavy metal divisional final as Maiden took it 1911 to 1473. In the extreme metal division, Kreator was able to slay the Godfathers of Black Metal Venom 91 to 43 while in the thrash metal division, Slayer proved they were the ultimate thrash metal band beating Testament 93 to 54. The final four is set as AC/DC will take on Iron Maiden while Slayer takes on Kreator. Again, I want to thank everyone that participated in the tournament by voting and commenting on the posts. I hope that I can see all of you once again in the final four and I want to thank all the bands as well for being great sports.

It’s come down to this as we are down to the elite 8 in our march madness style tourney, the 2015 Pedal To The Metal Tournament. What you are looking at is the Hard Rock/Hair Metal divisional finals where the winner will meet the winner of the Heavy Metal Divisional final in the final four round. AC/DC’s road to the hard rock/hair metal divisional final started with a decisive win against Ratt in the first match and another one against Motley Crue in the sweet sixteen. They’ll be looking to score another victory against one of the finest German rock bands in history in the Scorpions. The Scorpions road to this point started with a win against the heavily favorited Def Leppard and then a win against last year’s runner up Cinderella in the sweet sixteen. It has come down to this, two bands with a rich history that extends beyond the 80’s looking to represent hard rock all the way into the finals. You have until March 27TH at 8:30AM ET to vote for who you want to win and remember the keyword is that YOU vote.

acdc vs scorpions

It’s come down to this as we are down to the elite 8 in our march madness style tourney, the 2015 Pedal To The Metal Tournament. What you are looking at is the Heavy Metal divisional finals where the winner will meet the winner of the Hard Rock/Hair Metal Divisional final in the final four round. This has definitely been one of the more controversial divisions in the history of this competition because it had literally changed the way things are done around here. Nevertheless, we have two amazing bands in the Heavy Metal Divisional Final as Accept take on Iron Maiden. Accept’s road to this point has been a wild ride. The band went through a battle that set record number of voters as they came from behind to beat King Diamond in the first round and they then they easily dispatched of Savatage. Iron Maiden’s road to this point came a little easier trampled over Manowar and then much to the surprise of metal fans, they took care of business against the legend Dio. You have until March 27TH at 8:30AM ET to vote for who you want to win and remember the keyword is that YOU vote.

iron maiden denmark

It’s come down to this as we are down to the elite 8 in our march madness style tourney, the 2015 Pedal To The Metal Tournament. What you are looking at is the Extreme Metal divisional finals where the winner will meet the winner of the Thrash Metal Divisional final in the final four round. Venom, the band credited with creating the Black Metal genre has had an interesting road to the divisional finals. They easily dispatched of Entombed in the first round and they were in a battle against Death in the next round, but they pulled ahead and never looked back. Kreator, the member of the Big Teutonic 4 have been taking care of business since the first round. They defeated Carcass in the first round and then they took out Celtic Frost in the second round which led them to this point. You have until March 27TH at 8:30AM ET to vote for who you want to win and remember the keyword is that YOU vote.

Kreator Vs Venom